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RE: Drip Drop My Macro Photography Will Surely Go Plop

in Photography Lovers3 years ago

One of the things we've been waiting to get back to UK to do is get a couple Xaiomi's. I caught an article a few years ago by a professional photographer who sampled several phones, Samsung and apple included. Said the picture quality on the Xaiomi is the best.

iPhone 8S:



is that your weed? 😅

Yes'ir pictured with my not macro iPhone. Mailman dropped it at the door yesterday. They're so punctual and reliable.


I'm so jealous I've just got the local ditch weeds finest... Its pretty bad when it takes 3 buds to roll...

Sorry I turned your comment section into a sesh.

No need, It makes me feel popular

Yeah the cameras on these things are pretty damn good, especially if you know what you're doing.

I don't, Just covering my ass there.

Cant beat CA Buds.

Always a pleasure to see you down here👊

Thanks for having me my dude.