Birds in the snow

in Photography Lovers2 months ago


When will winter end?


This winter has been pretty stubborn when it comes to leaving. It seems like every weekend we are getting another small snow storm. Last night, it started snowing at around 9pm and we got a little bit more snow this morning. It won't last long, but it sure is confusing all of the animals.


I got a bird feeder yesterday and filled it up with some bird seed. It didn't take long for the birds to find it and the feast was on.


I am planning on getting several more feeders and setting them up in several different spots in my yard. I have a place in front of my bedroom window where I am going to be putting a humming bird feeder, and on the other side, it will have a feeder like this one. That way I can take pictures of the birds from my room without disturbing them.


I think this family of birds lives in my neighbors bush, but if I keep refilling the bird seed for them, I think they might decide to move into my yard.



I am not a bird expert and don't really know the differences between the bird species, but I think I am going to learn a lot about them this spring and summer as I watch them eat from my feeders.


I wish it wasn't snowing and raining while I was taking these pictures, so I could have stayed out there a bit longer and gotten some more shots.



I am hoping that as time goes on, these birds will become familiar with me getting close to them so I can get some better pictures. The overcast sky made it hard to get crisp clear shots because my shutter speed had to be a bit slower, but once the sun decides to come out, it will be easier to use a faster shutter speed and get crisp shots of the birds in flight.


These little birds move pretty quickly, and I will need a lot faster than a shutter speed of 1/200th of a second to eliminate any motion blur.


Hopefully these birds don't eat all of the bird food too quickly. It is only $20 for a large bag of food, so hopefully it will last a few weeks at least.


I am pretty sure these birds are all part of the finch family because of the shape of their beaks. It will be fun to learn more and more about the different birds that live near my home. There are a few tiny yellow birds that I have seen in my neighbors yard and I really hope to be able to get some cool shots of them as well.


April 1st is coming up quickly and that is when I will be putting my hummingbird feeders out. I can't wait to see how many hummingbirds show up this year. They are my most favorite birds and I can't wait to see them again.


Winters are over in our country and summers have come, people have also started running air conditioners, so now we see that the birds are very thirsty. So water must be kept for all the birds.

The weather over here is also getting very confusing, seems like it can't make up it's mind if it wants to stay cold or turn warm. Very annoying

Great photos as always. Sadly I don't have any trees in my garden otherwise I'd love to put up a bird house.

Hopefully the weather figures itself out soon. I'm worried about how hot this summer is going to be around the world. These are crazy times.

This photos is an absolute delight to the senses! The vibrant colors and playful composition evoke a sense of joy and wonder. I also know little about birds, but I often admire their varied colors and grace in flight. It’s amazing how you managed to capture the moment of stillness of these beautiful creatures. Gorgeous photos!

Thank you and welcome to Hive.

Thank you too, Hive is incredible!

I always wondered. How are the Warm blooded Birds able to keep themselves warm during the winter season.

The bodies they have are too smol and the metabolism needed to keep them warm is too high. Unless they Hibernate, Migrate or become your pet. Then it will be harsh.

HA LOL STILL SNOWING, ITS ALREADY SPRING HERE and Im melting because of the Heat.

They have learned how to adapt to the weather over all this time. Hopefully the weather stops being so crazy so Mother Nature can fix herself.

Number 1 strategy of cute animals.

Become human pets.

I wish the climate would change in a way that there is no extreme weather. Only Comy sunny and cold climates. Just make everything including antartica Mild temperate forest.

Have a couple cool Patches of land with deserts, ice sheets, jungles and more for unique animals.

Either that or turns out Mother nature is trying to eliminate us. OHHH NOOOOO!

It's too noble of you to do this for the birds, we need more people like you!

This photo is very beautiful, I loved how the detail of the water can be seen perfectly with the background out of focus, everything looks very pretty

Thanks man. I think my photos are just gonna get better from here on out too.

Wes what an amazing and admirable gesture on your part to buy feeders for the birds, they are very cute animals and always fill us with sweet melodies day by day, the photographs are too beautiful and admirable, as always sharing with us your expertise in this world, I loved them all.

Thanks man. It's fun having the opportunity to take these types of photos.

Perfect photos, beautiful bird house👍 today we had snow, rain, hail, and a lightning storm, the only thing missing was a tornado. Our country may be small, but experiencing all possible types of weather in one day is a bit strange. I’m not sure what is waiting of us tomorow 🤔

That weather sounds a lot like the storm we had roll through our area last night.

The birds you show look very beautiful, your photos also look very impressive

Thank you

You're welcome 😉

I’m glad you want to learn the species of birds. It’s a good one though

Thanks. It's a lot of fun.

Wow. It still is snowing there.
Btw nice clicks.

Getting more several feeder is a great idea as it will afford them to be more feeded as required