Walking through the Misty Forest

We went for an early morning, misty walk but it was a bit cold so didn’t stay out too long. The line of beech trees always make a good photograph. I love misty mornings.

There's still some nice looking fungi growing on the trees.

It looks really bleak in black and white.

They've been doing a bit of stonewalling after some of the wall came down.

The tree has grown into the barbed wire. Nature will always find a way.

Even though it was a bit too cold to stay out long it was still quite an atmospheric walk and we didn't see another soul.


Lovely photos of the misty path. I thought the Snow Queen would be emerging in her carriage in the mist! It doesn’t look cold as there’s no snow.

That would have been good seeing the Snow Queen. We now have rain and lots of wind. I'm staying in now!

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!