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RE: Timpanogos Cave Hike - Lots of pictures

Definitely a unique place to visit. I haven't been in a cave that big, ever!

Along with the massive vagina in the cave, there are a ton of formations that look like dildos hanging from the ceiling. I wanted to ask our tour guide what the flesh colored formations were, but figured it would be innapropriate.

Hehe, the dick-like shapes were even more obvious than the vaginas. Someone like myself, I wouldn't really care what anyone feels about my question, I'd have gone ahead and asked why the heck there are dicks and pussy shapes everywhere, lol.

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Lol. There were a lot of them in there.

I'd have gone ahead and asked why the heck there are dicks and pussy shapes everywhere, lol.

Nature knows its thing. 😂😂😂

Lol, am just being honest, my curiosity wouldn't let me be, so then, I'd definitely ask away :)

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