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RE: Under and over: Jetties

You are a master of photography even though you wouldn't admit that because you are humble and don't like to brag.

I have seen pictures of landscapes, beaches, and many other places in Australia and I can tell that the country is a very beautiful place. My country is beautiful as well but we don't have enough security and that's why many of us don't explore nature as you guys do.

We have beaches but they are always crowdy and I can't remember the last time I visited one. Your creativity with photography is awesome and thanks for gracing my eyes with these amazing shots.


Thanks for your kind compliment.

It's a shame you folks don't get to enjoy your country to it's full extent due to the potential risk; it must be a terrible way to live.

I'm glad to have the chance to showcase some of Australia's amazing views and to share my simple photography.

Thanks for your comment.