After Midnight!

How’s it going, Hive? It’s just after midnight here on the east coast. How appropriate. I’ll be sharing new work with a model named Midnight Suicide shortly, but first, I just want to reflect on the first relaxing day I’ve had in months. Months! I’ve been dreading this trip to the east coast, honestly. My Opa is sick which is why we drove in, but the drive itself was really hanging over my head. Now that it’s over […at least the drive here; there’s another 25 hour drive back to Minnesota coming up next week], I was able to find a little coffee shop, meet some new friends and just work on something for fun for hours.

Alright, back to the photography. This one is from 2018. I was in Vegas for the annual Rockabilly Weekend and was serendipitously put in touch with Midnight. She came to fame through Sucide Girls and really blew up on social media. My schedule was packed but it seemed like too good of an opportunity to miss so with some calendar acrobatics and a convenient cancelation, I was able to fit her in before I left the following Monday. She managed to cash in some points for an extravagant hotel room on the Strip and with only a day notice, we pulled together this memorable shoot.

As a professional model, Midnight has an array of wardrobe for us to choose from. Once we were acquainted with one another, we started shooting and we had one of those completely organic chemistries that just clicked. The lighting in the hotel was ideal for that sleazy 1960’s Vegas vibe which was exactly what we were going for. She even brought a Polaroid camera which completely the theme. We only had 90 minutes but in that time, we hit every room of the suite and made some outstanding shots. Some images from this shoot even made it into my book, Dark Pinup by @wcpublishing.

I have no regrets about our efforts to make this shoot happen. We technically shot together twice. The second time was when we did a distance shoot during COVID over a FaceTime call. That was a thing back in 2020 and she was one of the first friend’s I attempted this with. It’s a reminder of how quick circumstances in life can change and to not miss opportunities while we’re here on this earth. Midnight and I remain friends to this day and I’m hoping I’ll have the chance to see her and work with her again before I hang up the camera for good. Thanks for reading. Have a great night!


Happy to hear that the photoshoot made you get a bit distracted from personal problems. It's incredible the power passions have on ourselves in general.

Thank you, @gabrielatravels. Yeah. This entire process of revisiting these shoots from a few years ago has been very therapeutic for me. I think I was too harsh on myself back in the day.

Wow, amazing pictures! I really love every one of them.. Sorry to read about your opa, I hope the drive back flies by next week!

Thank you, @thisismylife. I do, too. Really not looking forward to that. I'm going to have to set up a chiropractic appointment for as soon as I return just for what's happening to my back sitting in the driver's seat that long.

These are beautiful!!! I love doing boudoir/ pinup styles.

Thank you, @deadgrlsuppastar! Agreed. It's such a great genre and I love the more somber side of it all.

At least you shouldn't have to worry about too much snow this time of year (I hope) for the drive. That is a good thing. Nice shots as always! I remember the suicide girls site quite well from my younger days!

I would never say never getting closer to Minnesota in April, @bozz. It could still happen.

Beautiful compositions! Good lighting.

Thank you, @avada! Years of practice!