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RE: A Golden Autumn in Burgundy, France

in Photography Lovers4 years ago

Nice, colorful fields. We have snow on the ground in Montana and it is cold. Unseasonably so actually.


Ouch, I am not prepared for snow just yet - or ever!


I totally agree.

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Snow already? Seems a bit early for that right? When would it normally start?

We will often get a bit of snow at the end of October but it usually melts pretty quick and doesn't start accumulating until later into November. Some years not until January. But this winter is supposed to be colder and wetter than normal. Not looking forward to it.

Hmm, ok...Changes in weather patterns. We've had a very unusually cool October. Most had their heaters on early this week, blankets on and all. Should be 28-30 degrees.

Look out bro, here comes the next ice age.

Yeah, I am expecting it. Warming and cooling. The planet has done it many times before and will continue to do so.

You know, there are theories, with fairly compelling evidence based on science and not politics, that global warming is a myth and instead the Earth is indeed cooling...I read some studies about it, evidence gained from deep core samples taken all over the world. I can't say much on it as I don't want to mess up the information, but it was very fascinating.
