YOU WANT TO SEE THIS! ​Interactive multimedia exhibition dedicated to Mileva Maric

in Photography Lovers4 months ago (edited)

Today I'm taking you through an interactive multimedia exhibition in a city in my country called Novi Sad. It is an exhibition dedicated to Mileva Maric, the wife of Albert Einstein, one of the world's greatest minds, a famous professor and theoretical physicist.

Mileva was born in 1895 in the former Austria-Hungary, in a wealthy family, and the greatest progress in her career began with her enrollment at the university in Zurich, where she began to seriously study mathematics and physics. There she also met her husband, Albert Einstein.

The two were interested in the four-dimensional geometry of "space-time", which they used to develop the theory of relativity. It is a model based on three dimensions of space and one dimension of time about what day say:

• Space and time are not absolute dimensions

• Space and time change in accordance with changes in energy and matter

• Time without order does not exist







The exhibition is divided into 12 parts where each part has its own story and covers some sphere of her life, realized through modern technology, holograms and 3D animations that make you feel like you are a character in a science fiction series. The space is divided into two parts, light and dark, and both signify some period of her life, positive and negative, ups and downs.

The exhibition begins with a bicycle ride. It is a 3D ride that is driven on a "wall screen", through a small village where Mileva used to walk as a child. When you sit on the bike, you have the feeling that you have entered a completely new dimension, as if you are no longer in a museum but in the middle of a village, on a gloomy autumn day. The bicycle represents the constant movement and transience of life expressed through her thesis:

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving.



The author of this work actually at the beginning conjures up an entry into Mileva's mind. The beginning represents light, the most beautiful years of her life and her love with Albert, while as you gradually enter the other rooms, darkness dominates, a period that marks the greatest misfortunes of her life.

When you look at the ceiling, you are always accompanied by water and waterfalls that represent the foundation that supports Mileva's life.





As you enter further into the room, you are more and more overwhelmed by the chills, a strong feeling of her pain, sadness... the "room of the fireflies".. the room that represents the worst part of her and her husband's life, the time of their divorce, their children's illness and poor health.. a dark space with mirrors where lights twinkle and scrolls are heard.


The room that made the biggest impression on me is the room in which there are three dolls sitting in black as if at a funeral.. that is the period when she found out that their son was suffering from schizophrenia.. this room talks about his view of life and in the central part of the room there is a piano that makes music by itself. Definitely the most tragic, darkest and saddest period of her life, also the part of the exhibition that made me shiver from head to toe.



Behind the piano, there are suspended glass objects in the air that represent frozen time and trapped space.


The last room presents Mileva's hologram, which constantly talk to visitors. I'm not sure what she's talking about in that hologram since I don't understand German. But what I understood is that the central part of this room is occupied by a heart whose beats echo through the room. This is the last part of this exibition and also the end of her life.






What is known about Mileva Maric and her life is very scarce, so the author of the exhibition had to find some other sources to portray her life... one of the main ones was precisely the letters that Albert and Mileva wrote to each other.



Very strange compositions ;)

Yes, they are. I was impressed by how much news you can find out just a few minutes of walking through some rooms. 😊

Great photos! Good luck!

Thanks. 😊