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RE: It's Not What it Looks Like

Do you remember how I said there are two? This is the third.


Dude, those don't look like bees. Also not behaving like bees. Looks like wasps, which means get gone yesterday. I think I saw a snake slithering somewhere in those flowers.

None-the-Less and None-the-More
I got you flowers
From the online store.........

Princess Pink


Purple Peas

ps, that pic of Atlas is totally rad.


Do you remember how I said there are two?

I don't remember how I got to the gym and I'm on the treadmill = }

I like my smiley face, this one: = }

Just kidding, I know how I got here.

Thanks for the flowers, are you saying I stink? How dare you treat me like a 19th century bride!

I've been gonna say something else the whole time but can't seem to get outta character.

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How dare you treat me like a 19th century bride!

Like a Cheap Pink Tart touched for the very first time.