Some distant shots.

Nature demands of us to keep a sharp eye out on her offerings.

The first 3 photos were taken at a fairly long distance, and then after that the fun started.

As you go through the post, you will see what I mean and the last photo really upset me a little bit, but I will explain it to you. As usual, we were out in nature, and like I said in the title, if you don't keep a close eye on nature, then you will miss so many lovely appearances. I have created the habit of looking at everything and waiting for something to happen. Many times, I am not disappointed, but one needs to know where the birds could sit, or some animals would suddenly show up.


I told you the fun would start, and here was another metal kind of bird towing its nest around :))
In fact, we are approaching our elections at the end of May, and I normally see light planes towing the banners, but this is the first time that I see a helicopter towing a banner. I can only wonder at the cost of this trip.

Look carefully at the picture below, and tell me if you can see the bird?

Yes, there he was. A little sunbird.

By his song, I knew that it was a little Southern Double-collared sunbird.

This metal bird below, has a sunbird logo on its tail.

And the last three pictures will show you a Jackal Buzzard and his wife up, very high, in the sky.


Now here below was my greatest disappointment. I know that they mate in the air, and I tried my best on the zoom to get them mating but their movements and the distance resulted in only a blurry photo of the action. Drat, drat, and drat!

And such is life. At times, the weather forces the birds to fly high up and it is very difficult to get clear shots. But, as always, I try and I try. We were also not in a position to catch any of the birds in this post near to us, as I took all of the photos at a distance. That starling in the first photo took off and my picture of its flight came out too blurred to post. I know that the buzzards, and some other predator birds, mate in flight and even though I could not get it clear this time, I know that there will always be a next time.
So be it.

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting this post.


nature lover

Yep! Us also.

Wow! These shots are amazing! The intense blue and the flying birds make the click stunnin. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for the compliment, and I am glad that you appreciated the beauty of the images.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@papilloncharity(2/15) tipped @tanzil2024

It is a fact that if pictures of such natural things and natural animals and birds are to be made, then they have to be made on time, otherwise they fly away.

Oh yes, one has to be ready to take the photos when they appear, as some of them sit for only a few seconds. At times I get lucky, when they sit for a bit longer. !LOLZ

Yeah you are right.

The sky is such a beautiful and relaxing thing to stare at. Even if it seems like an endless part of the globe, there is lots of action up there for those who get to observe it. And you captured many beautiful aspects of it!

I am always amazed to see that so many never look at the sky. Quite often I get asked what I am taking photos of, and when I point it out in the sky, the person is totally flabbergasted !LOL
Thank you for the kind compliment.

These are gorgeous :)

Thank you kindly!


interesting, you have told something that is factual about nature, what you feel is a feeling that I have experienced.

Thank you and I am glad that you also experienced the same feelings!

Wow, those are some great photos. I am glad they don't fly around with political banners where I live. We just have to deal with all the ads on TV which I am sure you get as well!

Thank you, and I know that it costs an arm and a leg for a light plane to tow the banners, so, a chopper would be double that price. You are glad that they don't fly in your area, and I am glad that we don't have a TV !LOL

Haha, maybe I need to get rid of my TV... Wife might kill me though.

Hi, just let me tell you that I like your humor !LOL

Thanks! I'm glad you do because she just rolls her eyes! After 15 years I can't blame her though!

So, by now you will know very well what those rolling eyes mean methinks !LOL