Have you Photographed an Ice Cave?

Winter is alive and well here in the Canadian Rockies, which means lots of cold but fun adventures. I personally love photographing in the winter. The calm, the quiet, the colours- I truly am enamored with it all ! (okay, except the freezing temperatures).

I wanted to share with you a bucketlist image from below. I do a Blue Dress series with portraits mostly in icey or mountain settings. Being able to get to an ice cave was very high on the list. The first attempt this year after driving 3.5 hours we had an unexpected white out and had to turn around. These photos mean alot to me not only because they are "pretty", but because of the effort,training, and logistics involved.

It was -23celcius but sometimes you just gotta follow through with the vision!



I also made a short youtube from the day if you'd like to come along https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiJfZTI_MZyiU-Tsi1QFBMw

Let's connect:
2023 CALENDAR : https://www.saraboychuk.com/shop/2023-canadian-rockies-calendar
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My Website http://www.saraboychuk.com

My NFTs:
Foundation https://foundation.app/@SaraBoychuk_
SuperRare https://www.superrare.com/saraboychuk_


Cool shot

It must have been so cold. I hope everyone was well after this shoot. Also, the photos remind me of Elsa as she was building her hidden castle. The nostalgia.

It was very cold, this is me in the photo! Nothing a hot bath cant fix. Yay I love that so much !

A poem in a a shot!



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They are beautiful photos!

I love winter, cold snow and ice so I'm a bit biased eh eh!
I love the colors of these photos and what they convey... they convey peace, serenity to me... and yes, even a bit of cold heh heh!

Sincere congratulations!

They are beautiful photos!!!!

The photos immerse me in a theatre of much maritime symphony. @saraboychuk, Your photo has this perched on a planetarium of amazons with eyes the colour of pearls.

These are some very beautiful shots! I'm glad you followed through on your vision.

I'd love to go explore some ice caves one day.
Lovely photos Sara!

Incredible shots Sara!

It was -23celcius but sometimes you just gotta follow through with the vision!

How long did you guys took to capture this image? 😱😱 And I wonder did your camera shutter got jammed during the shoot? Its really a beautiful shoot.

There's so much depth in the first photograph. Certainly worth the chilly weather!

Incredible photography… found you via Twitter !!!

Cheers nice to connect here!

We connected here before … just reconnecting I guess