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In diesem Artikel zeige ich die aktuell blühenden Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzen an meinem Teich.
Gelbe Gauklerblume / Mimulus guttatus
Herzblättriges Hechtkraut / Pontederia cordata, pickerelweed
Segge / Carex
Bunter Eidechsenschwanz / Houttuynia cordata
Gewöhnlicher Blutweiderich / Lythrum salicaria, purple loosestrife
Camera: Canon EOS 200D
Lens: Tamron 70-210 mm
Edit: darktable
See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!
Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!
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Yellow look so beautiful... How you focus on the photo... It's amazing skill... Lovely photography
It is all manual mode. Autofocus is set to "one shot", marked at the flower and then with holding the button changing the frame. The lens 70-210mm is excellent for this job and makes wonderful blurry background. Also I go down to the height of the flower, so we have the same perspective.
Such magnificent colors in the flowers nature offers us. Thanks!
Thanks a lot!
Wow very lovely and nice, thanks for sharing I like every part of it.
My pleasure!
I really love plants. When I see pictures of plants, I stay on that post. Congratulations..
You are welcome to stay as long as you wish :)
Nature is beautiful with its different flowers and colors, Congratulations for your amazing photography
Thank you!
Medicine is really beautiful and it looks even more beautiful with your skillful and creative portrayal. The colors of the photos and their light are amazing
You know that photo shooting can be difficult,
but when you have a good motive it needs only some time to get the right light.
Beautiful red flowers, they are the most beautiful thing you see in the morning. The purple type found in the lake is very attractive.
My pleasure.
Good to see it from your pond and all of flowers with your photography are absolutely beautiful.