Sublime and Beautiful Sunday a Snowy walk or walks

Sublime and Beautiful Sunday a Snowy walk or walks

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

And as much as I complain about the cold, the first real snowfall of winter is somewhat special, beautiful and sublime to see, over the last couple of years I haven't been out after snow for photos, but with getting my new Camera delivered on Friday ( will most likely do a post talking about the camera perhaps a Market Friday post) yesterday I had gone through the settings and set it up, so with some snow on the ground I decided to head out to a few spots and both try out my new camera but also get some winter shots.

Now these were taken in the middle of the day with the sun high in the sky and shining brightly, not the best time to be taking photos, plus these were fairly quick edits, so perhaps not the best of shots, but thats my fault for the time of day, I was more than happy with the camera

My first stop was at the Acushnet Sawmill a spot I often visit and take a walk on the trails, looking first across the pond, a thin layer of ice on the pond

snow day.jpg

Sony A7iv 30mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Walking over a little bridge I took this shot

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Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And onto the trail, looks so different with a coating of snow, I walked one the edge of this trail as the center was very slippery in spots, I took it slowly, as the ;last thing I wanted to do on my first time out with the camera was to fall

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Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Along that trail a little looking across the water from a different angle

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Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and carried on along the trail

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Sony A7iv 28mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Slip sliding away ion spots but I wanted to get to this spot

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Sony A7iv 29mm F11 1/320 Sec ISO 160
Click here to view larger

then made my way back stop for this view of the flowing water

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Sony A7iv 29mm F11 1/250 Sec ISO 160
Click here to view larger

My next stop was at the Pond in Buttonwood Park, it had a thicker later of ice at the sides of the pond.

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Sony A7iv 28mm F6 1/250 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

And looking across the pond, one of the swans was actually walking over the ice when I took this shot

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Sony A7iv 28mm F10 1/250 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

The green fields in Buttonwood Park are of course white fields at the moment

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Sony A7iv 32mm F10 1/250 Sec ISO 125
Click here to view larger

And couldn't resist a shot of the tree on the little island in the pond

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Sony A7iv 50mm F10 1/500 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

The Warming house reflected on the semi frozen pond

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Sony A7iv 66mm F10 1/640 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And my Last stop was by the beach

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Sony A7iv 28mm F10 1/800 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Clearly from the footprints I wasn't the only one walking on the beach yesterday

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Sony A7iv 31mm F10 1/800 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And I last shot to finish off the post

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Sony A7iv 75mm F10 1/500 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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!pinmapple 41.682940 lat -70.907057 long Acushnet Sawmill d3scr


Nice - the snow has painted the dull gray and brown ground beautifully white 😍 That's the best thing when it snows.

I'm looking forward to your post about the new camera.

Have a great Sunday, JJ 🌞

Cheers with !PIZZA and !BEER or !WINE

Thanks today it’s above freezing so most of the snow is melting away

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

We have had winters with almost no snow - I prefer it to be white outside, although it's harder to find a place to stop or park the car when I see something nice on my way.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

It was like that this morning The first place I though if parking was like an ice skating rink so I went somewhere else

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Good morning JJ,

for such icy places I have bought cheap little crampons / shoe spikes which I take with me when I expect slippery conditions, but I haven't used them yet, so I don't even know if they work 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

When I was working in Bosnia I had a set of those they did work well
Now I generally avoid going out much or to places that are too icy lol

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

I try to avoid such places too, but the path to a waterfall I went this winter was very icy. I was happy that I didn't slip and ordered a pair of these on the same day 😁 !LOLZ

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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@tattoodjay denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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Snow in time to get you outdoors to test drive new camera how exciting, wish you many happy times with your new companion.

Lovely to see the change happening, ice starts thickening quite quickly with swan weight is able to hold then, walk on water 😉...

Happy Sunday, lovely photography while out on your first photo shoot.


I got out again this morning was pretty cool and icy but a beautiful sunrise so I had to try it out again :)

happy Sunday to you to :)

Amazing what a new camera can do, take you out more often! Look forward to seeing the results Jay.

Thanks 🙏 yes it did motivate me lol

But it was only a few degrees below freezing so wasn’t to bad

More comfortable conditions one can layer up clothing and enjoy the outdoors.

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Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

And as much as I complain about the cold, the first real snowfall of winter is somewhat special, beautiful and sublime to see

I also cannot stand the cold, but the snow is the only beautiful aspect of the winter, so I also like to see the snow. Yesterday we had our first snow of 2022, and today we have even more snow.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Sounds like were about the same will check out your posts :)

Stunning photographs, love the one with the reflection of the house in the pond. And the swan across walking on the ice. So cute. A really nice setting.

Exciting to try your new camera out. Enjoy it 😎

Thanks they are lovely spots

have a super Sunday

Thank you, have a super Sunday too 😎

I like your photograhy because your picture very very beautiful

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day


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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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How are you finding your A7IV?

Liking it so far still fine tuning the setup

Absolutely beautiful pictures, that white snow against the blue sky is making everything look amazing. We don't have snowy winters here, so I love such kind of pictures. Thank you for sharing and I wish you a splendid new week ahead, we are slowly getting rid of January :}

Thanks so much most of the snow is gone now with a warmer day and rain

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 7

It's amazing to see the ducks and swans still there in this situation.

The cold doesn’t seem to bother them

Beautiful pictures from a beautiful walk. I especially enjoyed the ducks :)

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated
!LUV some !BEER now and again
Have a great day