Winter Mirage in the Middle of Summer

It is almost the middle of summer and even in our northern region this year it makes me remember the winter cold with lust and some longing. Restless human nature, always asking for what is not there.

So, in order to calm down my longing for frost a little, and not to call for the rapid return of real cold with my innermost desires, I will try to cool off through photos. It would be fair to turn to the archives of memories from the middle of winter, since we have come to the middle of summer…

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Very cool photos 🤗👌👌👌🍷💪

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Npr 🍷🤗👌

You have made the snow landscape beautiful..which it is. 😊 The snow laden trees are bend over like old soldiers who are just taking a nap.

Lovely photo with the dog, Northman.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks for asking, 😊 Summer is going splendidly dear Northman. Nice temps in the low and mid 20 Celsius right now. Things are quiet. Did have a five hr drive to visit my sister last weekend. First time we have been off the Island since the pandemic. 😷

How is your summer? It does go by too fast. 🏃‍♂️

"Strange" lands... :) Love them! And the minimalist ones too

Ohhh, that last photo. I will take that road, yes, please.

I have news to share! I'm taking a trip in August and I'm going to see the Arctic Sea!! I'll be a northerner for a day. I'm so excited. I've always felt pulled to go to the top of the world.

I like your dragon:


I can't wait to feel it!! I love how the earth vibrates in different moods depending on location and season.

Wow!... These photos are an almost poetic way to portray winter!.... Thank you for sharing this excellent work!....

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Bro you're living in heaven, seeing snowfall is still a dream of many and all of the pictures you clicked is impressive or increasing beauty of winter

You will say that white is the most boring

I'm not one of them, i truly agree with what you've said!

colors can turn into a cast of the sunset sky

This sunset click is captured brilliantly and your words clearly represent how soothing and beautiful feeling it is.

Thanks for sharing this, I loved it your words & Pictures they're beautiful. Just Wow!

Really appreciate, haha I'll try to imagine it and than will tell if i was in imaginary heaven

You're blessed my friend. Have a good day.

Looks surreal, like a magical fantasy paradise. Amazing photos. Just wow. 👍🏼💯🎶👏🏼👌🏼😊🌞

I'm speechless! These pictures are amazing!!!

Damn Bro! These images look like they came out of a science fiction movie. Too beautiful!

Saludos @thenortherner mi amigo usted como siempre con sus fotografías únicas en su clase de lo hermosas y autenticas, como usted sabe por aca lo espero en el Sur magnificas fotos.

Very beautiful photos!

Wow surreal, epic photos and scenery, wish I could be there to see it in person, well done ✅

The one you mentioned afraid to accidentally touch looks like a Sci-fi movie scene.

Amazing photos.

Are you like me and like all seasons and whish they would change every month?

Wonderful winter wonderland photos!

Whoa! it's truly winter wonderland photos

Estas fotos son muy hermosas, quede hipnotizada admirándolas ❄❄ me da una sensación de paz y tranquilidad❄❄❄

Your pictures are so beautiful! I mean it! I've seen this kind of happenings with everything being frozen before but never so professional pictures! Well done!!!

That was superb snap. OMG!

These are amazing shots, thank you for sharing them.

This are so beautiful 😻 and heartwarming

Very beautiful, but I don't think I could stand the cold and long winter nights. Some of the photos of snow covered trees looked like giant trolls roaming the landscape.

Absolutely Stunning! The different colors with time are an unreal experience a whole day. WOW!

Really great images great work well done 👍🏼

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