The Full Snow Moon on February 27th 2021

Just over two weeks ago, I shared some of the pictures I took of the moon on February 26th, about six hours before it was officially full. Now I have 15 more photos and an animated gif I got of the Full Snow Moon on February 27th, about eighteen hours later.

One thing before I get to the pictures - I've reduced the file size, and in some cases tweaked the exposure and/or sharpness a bit, but I haven't filtered most of these, other than the instances where I mention I've dome some extra work to them. For the most part, the difference in the color of the moon (and sometimes the clouds around it) comes from zooming in and out, and bumping the exposure up and down, not from tinting it. It still amazes (and me that what I see in the sky isn't always what turns up on my camera. These were taken with my my Nikon affixed to my tripod), in my Durham New Hampshire yard.

Now on to the photos!

The Full Snow Moon on February 27th 2021

  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
1. I remember seeing a post by @melinda010100 on Hive about all the moon shadows in her yard that night. This is one of the first pictures I took that night, since she got it in my brain! While I didn't want to make this picture seem brighter than it was, this is a case where the photo on my camera seemed much duller than what I saw in 3D, so I did up the exposure a fair bit. To show the difference...
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
1a. ... here's the same shot without any editing at all. The moon shadows are still striking, but it didn't come close to how much it seemed like daylight that night!
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
2. The pink ring is more lens flare and less moon flair, and I did brighten up the exposure on this one as well, which made the pink even pinker.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
3. Yep, upped the exposure on this one as well, so the trees showed up better against the sky. What was I saying about not filtering these much? 😂
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
4. In contrast, I left this one alone. I usually don't like shots like this, but something about this caught my eye.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
5. Can you tell I was a bit taken with all the beautiful moon shadows?
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
6. Almost as taken as I was with the always awesome look of bare tree branches decorating La Luna's face.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
7. I probably have a few million hundred different versions of this shot on my hard drive.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
8. A few steps to the left and a different branch pattern means I need to take a few thousand more shots.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
9. Then a bit of a different zoom - backed out a bit...
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
10. ... then a bit more...
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
11. ... then a different spot of the yard.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
12. I like finding a certain spot, then zoom in & out while taking a shot each time.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
13. Smile for the camera!
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
14. Okay, technically this isn't the moon, but the stars were so bright even with the full moon brilliance, that I grabbed a few shots of the stars. I did up the exposure a bit in this one and it totally doesn't do justice to how brilliant Orion the Hunter looked.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
15. And for the final shot of the night, I grabbed a few closeups of La Luna. This was the best of the bunch.
  Full Snow Moon on February 27th
16. And here's the gif I created, using one of the two videos I took that night. After checking them both, I realized the first was way too shaky to salvage, but I was able to trim the beginning & end off this one, so it wasn't quite so herky-jerky. I didn't change the speed, so it gives you a pretty good sense of how breezy it was that night.

Happy Moon Monday!

Thanks for stopping by!

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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


Posted from my blog with Exxp :


Happy Moon Monday, Traci ❤️ Your moon photos are fantastic. Moon shadows on snow are so dramatic. I would love to see more posts showing moon shadows in the Shadow Hunters Community.

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Always like good moon shots, and love the branches. I'm still itching to get a clear sky and full or decent size moon for the new lens test!

Wow nice pictures you have here.
Thumbs up✌✌✌✌