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RE: The importance of crafting.

in Rising Star Game3 years ago

increased my luck stats, and so I am getting more and more pizzas

Where did you find the correlation between luck and pizzas? I thought luck only affected the number of drunk fans you can get after a mission.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Luck does not affect pizza drop rate. As crafting is a 5 minute mission, it probably feels like you are finding more pizza.

Thanks for clearing it up. That was what I thought after double checking the FAQ.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, Probably... Sorry!

Sorry! I was wrong!

No problem. I just thought it was weird and it didn't match my understanding so I brought it up to clarify.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank u! I change the words in the post! I dont want to confuse anybody! Thanks for the advise! :)