Curiosities about instruments, the Requinto and Rising Star Fan Art.

in Rising Star Game4 months ago

Greetings to all my dear Rising Star friends, today I am very happy to share with you a new article on my blog. I want to tell you some interesting facts about a very interesting instrument, I am referring to the Requinto. And, as usual, at the end of the post I will present you some fan art that I have created, inspired by our beloved game, Rising Star. Without further ado, let's begin.


Source: Canva

Well, my dear friends, as always I like to start by answering the typical question: What is the Requinto? Well, I'm going to summarize them for you in a very easy way. The requinto is a string instrument, a first cousin of the guitar, but with a different personality. It is smaller than a conventional guitar and has a higher sound. In short, it's like the younger version of the guitar 😅. Well that's it, so to speak.😅

Regarding the origin of the instrument, it is known that it has its roots in Latin America, especially in countries such as Mexico, Cuba and Puerto Rico. It was in these places where it began to gain popularity, then it moved to other places. By the way, its name, "requinto", comes from the verb "requintar", which means to play with agility and skill. And these instruments live up to their name. You just have to look at a musician playing them.

On the other hand, it is known that the instrument began to evolve from the guitar, adapting to the needs of musicians who were looking for a sharper and more distinctive sound. Over time, the details were refined until we reached what we know today as the requinto.

Of course, it is difficult to attribute the invention of the requinto to a single person, since many countries and people created their personalized versions. But it is recognized that Mexican luthiers played a fundamental role in its development. I can mention Figures such as Juan Pimentel, one of the most renowned luthiers in Mexico, who were key in perfecting the design and manufacturing of this beautiful instrument. Worse, of course there are many more.

If you are curious to know how to play it, I tell you that it is done in a similar way to the guitar, but due to its size and tuning, it requires a slightly different technique. It has six strings, usually tuned a fourth higher than a normal guitar. And it is mainly this that gives it that characteristic tone.

As always, I like to dedicate a section in my Curiosities Articles to tell you about some of the types and variants of the specific instrument I talk about at home. In that case, there can be no exception. There are several types of requinto, and each one has its own characteristic whole and shape. The most common are: Requinto jarocho Originally from Veracruz, Mexico. This is especially used in music that lives up to its name.

On the other hand we also have the classic Requinto, this is mainly used in classical and flamenco music, especially in Spain. Those are just 2 examples, but there are more.

The Curious Facts you should know.

  • In the 1946 Mexican film "Los Tres García", the requinto was used in several musical scenes. It was mainly used to highlight the instrument. At that time it was already quite popular in those lands.

  • On the other hand, groups like Los Panchos de México have made the instrument a central part of the band. So to speak, it is one of his most important instruments to make his music.

  • Many requintos are still made by hand, following traditional techniques passed down from generation to generation. The truth is that it is an art to build them. And some can be very valuable.

  • It is mainly associated with Latin music and flamenco in Spain, but is also used in other musical genres, such as jazz, salsa, merengue, cumbia, bachata and many more. As you know, each instrument can always be adapted to various genres. It all depends on the skill of whoever plays it. It's like everything in this life.😁

By the way, I would like to finish with a question: Have you ever heard the instrument live? Or well, at least, what has been seen in a video? I will be reading your answers. By the way, I tell you that I have heard it live. Coincidentally, one of my neighbors had one. It was fun to look at, at first glance it looks like a toy guitar or one for little ones. But nothing to see.

Rising Star Fan Art

Now, changing the subject, I present my post #78 about some of the fan art I've made with the help of DALL-E, inspired by our beloved game, Rising Star. In this post, I've used the card theme again along with several elements of the game. For example, I've added the star, some instruments and singers to give more personality to the images. Some of the images also have futuristic and retro touches, and I've added stages and concerts to give it a special touch.

The images are free to use, so you can use them from this post without any problem. I reiterate that they have been made by me with the help of DALL-E.

I hope you enjoyed this journey through the history and curiosities of the Requinto. And that you liked the fan art. See you in a new post. Until next time friends, greetings to all.

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