Rising Star New Pack Opening & RARE Card Giveaway - Win Bodhran (Ends Dec. 4, 2021)

in Rising Star Game3 years ago

Last week I had a @RisingStarGame contest and put up a Rare instrument card as a prize, R99 Flame Guitar.

Let's take a look at the rules for entry from that post:

In order to qualify for this giveaway, please leave a comment with your Rising Star username and tell me who your favorite guitarist is or your favorite guitar solo in a song.

If you leave an especially great comment, I'll upvote and send you a slice of PIZZA too! I'll also be sharing my answer to that question when I post the winner announcement.

Entries will be accepted until November 24, 2021 and I will select one winner for this Rare card giveaway.

Next, let's see how many entries included the requirement to share their favorite guitarist or guitar solo in a song: 11. It appears the most popular response for favorite guitarist is Jimmi Hendrix.

My own favorite guitar solo is from the Michael Jackson song Beat It. There is a really great backstory to how this iconic guitar solo came to be and you can read about it here or watch a short video about it here. The solo was performed by Eddie Van Halen and almost didn't happen at all as Eddie hung up on Jackson's producer, Quincy Jones four times because he thought it was a prank call! Shockingly, Eddie took no credit on the track, declined payment, and even re-arranged the middle of the song. This is one of those amazing stories from the music industry that makes you wonder whether things would have turned out a lot differently had all the stars not perfectly aligned to produce such a memorable track.

Card Giveaway

R99 Flame Guitar:

Flame Guitar


Congratulations to @yeckingo1 for winning the Rare card, Flame Guitar! In their comment, Paco de Lucia, was their favorite guitarist!


New Pack Opening

Let's open up another three packs of cards today. Just like last time, if one of the Rare cards are duplicates for me, I will giveaway the Rare card!

Pack 1:


Pack 2:


Pack 3:


Looks like I received a duplicate Rare card so read on to see what you need to do to enter today's giveaway!

Let's take a look at the four Rare cards:

R114 Gold Mic: +50 Luck

R109 Trevor: +100 Fans, +3 Luck, +125 Skill

R112 Bodhran: +50 Luck

The Gold Mic and Bodhran are duplicate rare cards for me. The common cards included a Buster, Cheap Car, two Jacks, Mid Range Decks, and a Mid Range Tour Bus.

My current RisingStar stats are as follows:

2025 Fans
661 Luck
2916 Skill
70 Cards


I have been steadily increasing my level in Rising Star and am now at Level 39. I am trying to quickly get to Level 50 so I can get and use the Millionaire Card. Most of my missions are the Saturday Headline in the Home Town Zone because of the large amount of Starbits and XP that are rewarded each time.

Two great investments I made that are helping my progress along is the Pizza Box and Coffee Cup cards so I don't waste any pizza slice or coffee boosts that I receive along the way. I highly recommend you purchase these two cards to speed up your progress!

New Giveaway!

As I mentioned earlier, if I got a duplicate card I would give it away. That duplicate card for the giveaway is the R112 Bodhran In order to qualify for this giveaway, please leave a comment with your Rising Star username and tell me the strangest instrument you have ever played yourself, or seen someone play in a live performance.

If you leave an especially great comment, I'll upvote and send you a slice of PIZZA too! I'll also be sharing my answer to that question when I post the winner announcement.

Entries will be accepted until December 4, 2021 and I will select one winner for this Rare card giveaway.

The winner will receive a R112 Bodhran RARE instrument card:


New OneUp Token & Content Curation

If you haven't heard the news, Rising Star is now a curator for the new OneUp token! OneUp is a token for crypto gaming content so make sure you are including the #OneUp tag in all your Rising Star posts to get those extra tokens! For more info about this new project, check out Flauwy's post here: https://www.1up.zone/@flauwy/1up-a-new-hive-outpost-for-playtoearn-blockchain-games-and-nft-assets

Orions Peak Gaming

Another newcomer to the second-layer token gaming curation scene is OPG. Simply add the OPG tag to your HIVE gaming posts and you might get curated and even receive some OPG tokens too! Just from my gaming posts, I've been sent so many tokens for my content that I have reached the OPG token richlist and am now earning additional weekly rewards! All this is possible by adding the OPG tag and making great Hive gaming content!


I found out about @RisingStarGame through the @Hive.Pizza project where there are many other aspiring Rising Star players. We're always looking for more crypto gaming enthusiasts to interact with, so feel free to check out our Rising Star Discord Channel.

I am also very active in the @Splinterlands guilds within the HivePIZZA community and welcome you to join our Splinterlands Discord Channel too! Check out my latest #BrawlReport here: https://www.splintertalk.io/@shauner/shauner-s-17th-splinterlands-brawl

Good luck everyone!


I never did go to a live concert and never played an instrumentent at all either, but i can say for sure that the most weird instrument to me is the Theremin

But being realistic is not the most weird instrument that i've seen;
I've seen katanas


Rulers,hair comb,floppy diskettes, memory RAM...

What the hell kind of sorcery is that Theremin!? Wow that was wild to watch! Now I'm going to be watching Theremin Youtube videos all night haha.

I would like to participate @elliptique , the strangest instrument that I play and also one of the most beautiful instruments (I find :D) is the Handpan. Its "just" a piece of steel which sounds great! Here is my example:

That's a very cool instrument! Almost like an inverted steel drum, but the air chamber inside it really adds to the depth of sound! Love your videos on your page too!

Thanks a lot! Yes you're right, the developer of this instrument had the idea of an inverted Steeldrum. :D

Thank you very much for the Card! Paco brought me luck. @yeckingo1
The weirdest instrument I've ever played? The zambomba! At Christmas of course.
Let's see if the gif catches it
!Gif zambomba

You're welcome! Very cool about the zambomba. I've never heard that name before and had to look it up. Once I saw it, it certainly looked familiar. Will you be playing one for Christmas this year? !PIZZA

Do not hesitate! And what laughs. Incredible party we mount for Christmas.

Hey i want to paricipate too! Have you heard about Zurna? in my country is a tradition instrument and we hear it in local festivals! cheers! @lofone

I have never heard of the Zurna, thanks for sharing! Looks like it's a double-reed instrument like an oboe! Very cool! !PIZZA

My user in Risingstar is morenow. The strangest instrument I've ever seen played was a kind of flute made of sticks in a handmade way, but it sounded very good.

oooh that sounds very familiar and I think we used to have one in the house when I was a kid. Something like this:

I listen to someone playing Guzheng in beijing once and it was so cool and beautiful, the way they played it ! @lordanquek

I'm learning about so many beautiful instruments with this post. Thanks for sharing about the Guzheng! It's very harp-like but unique with the way the two hands interact with different parts of the instrument.

My user in the game is the same on hive @alfarero. The rare instrument I seen someone play in a live performance is the hurdy-gurdy. !LOLZ

Awesome! I haven't heard of the hurdy-gurdy before. I'm learning about a lot of new instruments with this post! !PIZZA

Is amazing....I let you this video for you to enjoy it

You are out of jokes for the day!

@alfarero you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 1 per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

Once i've played a flute for nostrils😅 @lologom

A nose flute?! That sounds quite difficult to play, especially for someone like me with bad sinuses! haha. I'm going to have to go find some videos of people playing these flutes now. !PIZZA

I saw a harp playing in Ximending, Taipei. Would have to say its rare to see harps around except in cartoons. The strange part? - It was an angel playing it! (no joke, pretty girl)


Harps are really amazing to watch in-person. It's an incredibly difficulty instrument to master too. I haven't seen one played in many years but fondly remember the times I have! !PIZZA

And How Do i get some more pizza sir founder"!!!!!!!!!! 🤣

My nick is @thetyper

An electrified plate touched with a copper line. Awesome.

Thanks, loved the post

@shauner! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
shauner tipped morenow (x1)
shauner tipped txracer (x1)
shauner tipped amaillo (x1)
shauner tipped javiss (x1)
shauner tipped lordanquek (x1)
@shauner(7/18) tipped @elliptique (x1)
shauner tipped lofone (x1)
shauner tipped myeong (x1)
shauner tipped lologom (x1)
shauner tipped alfarero (x1)
shauner tipped yeckingo1 (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!

my favourite guitarist is John Mayer.

@titus-vivant, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

This post has been manually curated by Rising Star Game

The NFT based music career game built on HIVE

my favorite guitarist is Tom Morello.
Count me please.

Mark Tremonti and Myles Kennedy are my favorite guitarist.
Count me please.

Mi guitarrista favorito es Tom Morello. Quiero participar por favor. @lokywolf2295

thank !LOLZ !BEER !PIZZA #OneUp !LOL !LUV @titus-vivant

@titus-vivant, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV LUV in your liquid wallet.

More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Knock knock...
ERROR: Joke failed.

@titus-vivant, You need more $LOLZ to use this command. The minimum requirement is 8.0 LOLZ.
You can get more $LOLZ on HE.

@titus-vivant, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.

More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

id love to participate in the next one! ty!

I have played the chello, not very strange but oh well


Nice! I nearly ended up playing the Cello when picking an instrument to learn in middle school. Ultimately, I ended up going the band route and chose the Trumpet. !PIZZA

Pots & Pans for me lol...

Haha I think we have all played the pots and pans as kids! !PIZZA

U are great @shauner
Count me

count me in please @netsrac

@morenow. Well, way back when, the first time I played harmonica it seemed like the strangest instrument I've ever played.