And so it begins...

in Cafe Locked Out2 years ago

image from CafeLockedOut Facebook Page

Where do I begin?

How about a welcome?

Welcome. 😀

I'm don't follow the social cues at the best of times. It would be much easier to follow the social graces. But I tend to find them boring. Boring and fake. False pleasantries and the like.

On this occassion let's make an exception and do a form of introductory post to get the ball rolling.

Why start a community?

Over the last 2 years. Or is it now 3? Things got a little bit crazy in the world that I live in. Where I thought things would just work themselves out, the crazy would pass, and we'd get back on our merry way.
However, it didn't.
The turbulent seas just turned into a whirlpool of tyrannical stoopidity.
Frantically, I grabbed onto whatever flotsam came my way.

Fortunately, there were plenty of people who were also finding plenty of debris. Enough debris,in fact, to form quite a number of pretty creative rafts.

One of those rafts was the creation of Cafe Locked Out by Michael & Damien Richardson.


There's alot of content


Cafe Locked Out has created a heap of content. Through all of the bannings they received on Facebook, they have set up a Rumble channel here

The intention of this Community is to join hands with other Hive peeps.
I want to add my commentary to particular shows, the parts that interest me, and engage with the parts that interest you.

What about the Hive Rewards?

I have met Michael a few times but we are not on a friend basis. I do know people who are friends with him.

I've sent Michael a message to let him know that this page exists.
Any small rewards, I'll manage for him via Staking in Pools and Community Votes.
If the amount becomes large enough then I'll inform Michael & let him decide what he would like to do.

Also, I send 5% to my @jagged account for my efforts.

Drag a Goat to Water


Look, I tried to inform people indirectly about Hive. I told them that it was an easy Win. But, crypto seems like a strange bedfellow. Most people feel that it will steal the sheets and leave them cold in the night.
But we know, as Hive dwellers, that there is no warmer feeling than the sensation of peeing the bed, to feel that pleasant warmth for a few minutes before realising we need to change the sheets. Haha...

So, that's another reason why I created the Community page - to appease my frustration that nobody wanted to take the reigns. Giddee Up Horsey!

An Army Of 1


Settle down and enjoy. Even if it is just me.
Well, me, and my 3 Hive accounts. We can vote the crap out of each other.

Oh, there might be You?
Really? Well come on in and let's start some engagement.

Do you know about Cafe Locked Out? Do you have a story?

Perhaps a @mattclarke story about people sharing beds and not getting their interview uploaded, kinda story? That sounds like one I've heard around the traps...



Not sure why Michael didn't use it; maybe I'm too out there. I'm sure he has his reasons. He's certainly put in the hard yards and earned our respect.

Well if I do meet him in a week or so.. i'll ask