Ripening Up - Indoor Cannabis Garden Update

Hello Everyone,

The buds on the two cannabis plants are starting to ripen up now.

In terms of growth, I'm not sure how much more we will see, but I think these nuggets will not become much fatter. I could be wrong, and hope that I am, but I just have that feeling we're finishing up now.

Let's get right into it.


There is no question that these are the biggest cannabis nuggets I have ever grown. For the overall size of the plants, I think these are impressively big.


I've been maintaining this temp and humidity pretty well during lights on hours. Two things are noticeable in this photo. My tent is ultra dirty because I've slacked on cleaning, and my plants are filled heavily with nutrients, judging how dark that standing water is in the tray. This is not problem though because I have started the flush today and will have a solid week of watering consistently with no nutrients. My very last watering will be in the sink to run water through the root system, probably a day or two before harvest. I like the root ball dry at harvest.

I'm open to advice about the flushing and harvesting from the more experienced growers. This was my first time using a feeding regiment and I feel it was a major success. I'm not sure if I should be stopping feeding just yet, but I just feel like it's the right time to stop.



This is a 3D printed fan bracket. This thing is amazing in my opinion. @litguru was asking me about the structural integrity of it, and this photo helps put it in perspective. PLA (polylactic acid) is a little weaker than petroleum based plastics, but overall is still pretty comparable to standard plastic. I think most would not even know the difference. Knowing this aspect, with a minimal understanding of physics , and one can see that this bracket is well engineered and could probably hold the weight of ten of these fans with ease.
For more information about this fan bracket, please refer to this post which is on my secondary 3D printing account @print3dpro.

I wonder if this bracket could be modified to hold the round bulb fixtures that I have hanging currently. That would be cool to fix them to poles in the tent, and it looks like it's possible with minimal alteration of the design.







Fat Girl











Shybrid did pretty good for her one hour photo shoot today. I think she's starting to mature about about these things and is becoming a real team player.

Fat Girl is always ready to jump in front of the camera. Today was no exception, as she provided me with more than enough beautiful macro shots.

I'm curious to know what the other growers think in terms of the plants maturity? Do you guys think now is the time to cut off nutrients? I would love to get some input from everyone.

That will do it for today.

What do you all think of my cannabis plants and system I built to grow them?
I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section below!

Your time is a valuable commodity of course, and I always keep this in mind and do my best to respond to everyone. I appreciate all of the amazing comments and support. Thank you!

Thank you for stopping by, have a great day! -@futuremind


Absolutely phenomenal.

And after you start getting the correct amounts fertilizer down you're going to have even bigger and better buds.

Let alone this is one of the main reasons why I advocate for known high quality properly bred strains. It definitely makes growing these plants not so much guess work.

Phenomenal job and I can't wait to see your evolution as a grower continue!

Congratulations and continue pushing back harvest day until you get those Amber trichomes as well as that last swelling that will give you 30% more weight. Which is another reason why you don't take off leaves if you can help it. That's like fat on a pregnant girl the plant will pull out the nutrients from those leaves and immediately place that into Bud growth.

Getting closer!

Thanks so much for all of the amazing advice you've given me during this grow @ganjafarmer!

I don't think I would have achieved this level of success otherwise, because I initially thought the foliage discoloration was due to overfeeding, but I took your word for it and the results were noticeable within two days.

I would have likely continued on underfeeding and likely these buds would not have become this plump.

I've always chopped away the fan leaves when the buds started forming. Not all of them but the majority, and now I know that I was going overboard with it. It's probably ok to remove some under foliage, but I was stripping the plants almost completely and is probably part of the reason for such small nugs in the past.

I think my plants are feeling your love too because they plumped up even more over night, like shockingly so.. I guess these girls aren't done plumping up yet.

Yeah I'm feeling that about the known genetics.. Thankfully this is my last grow with bag seeds, or at least this will be the last time I grow bag seeds as my primary crop.

Thanks again man, have a great day!

Absolutely enjoy smoking this amazing herb!

And I can't wait to see your further content.

Nice photos! Thanks for sharing! And I gotta say, that 3d printed bracket it genius you blew my mind!

I would suggest taking it longer, those plants don't look ready yet. Maybe after you flush it will be closer but honestly whatever you get out of it should be fine from this point forward.

I recently posted about growing or hash but there is some info you might find valuable between my 3 posts in regards to what I look for in maturity edit* I just remembered my first post has a Frenchy Cannoli video explaining that he doesnt just look for amber, he suggests looking at the entire plant. He is VERY hard to understand but worth listening and attempting. Basically it is my belief most people hack too early. How far along are you and what are the ancestory of them?

Thanks for the kind words @wildwesthash, nice to meet you!

I would definitely fall into this category of an "early chopper", because I enjoy the heavy psychoactive effects of the mature milky trichomes over the heavier CBD that comes in late stage growth.

The CBD has its benefits for me with sleep issues, but the negative aspect is that I smoke up my cannabis way too quickly if the psychoactive effects are less.

The bracket is amazing! I didn't design it, someone on thingiverse named BudDoc designed it, and he really did a fantastic job in my opinion. The idea to print this actually came from another grower on the blockchain who has some on the way right now and this post probably heightened his anticipation lol :D

How far along are you and what are the ancestory of them?

These plants were put into the soil on October 24th and have been flowering for about two months now. The genetics are from bag seed of mixed plants, all unknown in origin. This will be my last grow with bag seed and have a few known strains that I will be growing next.

I glanced at your blog last night before bed and really like what I see. I'm going to head over and have a read because I know your posts are jam packed with some really good information in them :)

Thanks again, have a great day!

Awesome, thanks for the response.

I personally will never pop bag seed again unless I know where they came from.

Some of the best weed ive ever smoked in my life, after having a heavy rosin tolerance, I was halfway done and said out loud to no one but myself "whoa I am so high". The last bud I broke up popped out 3 seeds. two looked good but the third was weird from the start (next time I would just throw away anything that looks like a genetic deformity). It ended up having a mosiac virus and by the time i figured it out it had already spread to other plants in the tent.

It all looks sooooo good!! wow what a difference every week makes. So how do you know when it's ready? It looks more ready than anything I have ever smoked, for sure.

Funny bits too. Thanks for my evening chuckle.

Thank you @owasco!

Maybe somehow we can arrange for you to get a little bit of the harvest here.

It's too bad I can't just throw it in a box and mail it, unfortunately I think that is still prohibited :/

If I chopped it down right now it would be ready enough to smoke, but it hasn't reached maximum maturity.

The easiest way to tell is by the appearance of those crystalline formations of "trichomes". They will turn amber when they start degrading. They go from clear, to milky, to amber. The goal is to cut the plant when the trichomes start changing from milky to amber.

I'm happy you enjoyed the humor too! :)

Have a great day my friend. :)

Nice photos. In proportion to the size of the plant, you are getting good buds with lots of trichomes. Congratulations.

Thanks so much for the compliment!

It's just a guess, but I bet it's the Happy Frog soil I'm using ;)

He he, maybe maybe 🐸

Hah! I don't smoke anything anymore nowadays, but looking at the plants makes me feels like just wanting to put my nose on to it. And when I was just thinking that, your face popped up right Infront of that tree 🤣

That fan holder looks pretty sturdy to me, can't tell the difference.

I should have put a before and after photo. I realized that afterwards. Next time I will put before and after photos. It's a pretty standard bracket, just cool to have as a custom 3d printed product.

Thanks for the kind words and support bro :)

Not sure what has got in my mind, when I read your reply on the before and after, my mind goes to your face before putting your nose on the plant, and after you're sniffing at the plant you turn into a big smile 🤣

The big smile means the plant stinks. Humans like stinky things :D

Oh my, your plants are doing well as a result of the effort you have put on their behalf. I hope that you'll find time and do that cleaning and flushing you talked about.

On the issue of the modifying the brackets to hold the bulb fixtures, I think you should try it and see if it will work. If it does... Cool.... If it doesn't, I am pretty sure an idea will spurn out of the trial and error for your benefits.

Thanks for sharing this with us, @futuremind

Thank you so much for the kind words @iskafan!

Yes I may try this bracket idea in the coming months. It's a slow process and I'm no in hurry :)

Quede fascinado con esto, jamás había visto un vivero de cannavia de consumo propio. Me haz animado a intentar tener uno. Jejejeje...!

Me alegro de que esto parezca algo que te gustaría hacer.
Es muy agradable tener plantas medicinales como este mi amigo.
Gracias por las amables palabras!

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