[Polessins' Grow Log] - Durban Poison and Banana Blaze Week#20

in WeedCash Network3 years ago (edited)

Hello guys !

Durban poison and Banana Blaze Week#20.jpg

Things got ultra crazy these last weeks, and i had to be away from posting for a while.

A lot of good things happened tho, but i am really excited to be back and posting again. i Think i got some days to breath now.

So.. before i leave i was running a grow log, that stoped on #WEEK11

well 60 days have passed, and we are now on WEEK #20 of these photos.

let me show you how this is going....


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These plants got into flowering 3 weeks ago, leaves seems pretty fine, and i am not sure if i should raise my nuts or not. I think i will give them a little more time to keep developing. I just dont want to get tiny buds at the end after so much time lol. It does already got a good smell.

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I like how it got some purple going on. Never had these weird coloured buds before. This one is the strongest one right now, and i think its going to give a good yield. I defoliated this plant 1 week ago, but i might do some more defoliation this weekend.


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They were all planted at the same day, but this one kinda suffered a lot. I dont know why, but she had some serious problems with her soil some weeks ago, and i had to flush it. But overall she is doing good too, a little slower then durb 1, but still looking pretty healthy.

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I am having some trouble to control all the shade spots, she is kinda tall, and her leaves are huge. So top leaves are making a damm big shade. I should also defoliate it a little bit more this weekend so the light can reach more buds.

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When i got back from Mexico, where i stayed almost 20 days, this plant was literaly on the floor. I think the wind dropped it down. Luckly it seemed to have happened like 1 or 2 days before i got back. So got it up and tied it. Leaves were looking terrible and i felt bad. I tought i might had lost this plant. Lucky enough the roots didn't come over the soil, so i got that going for me. It recovered really well after i got it up and gave it abour 2 liters of water each day for almost a week.

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Her buds are looking good tho, and i hope they get fat as they can. I am giving all plants 4ml of nuts for each liter of water, and watering 1l of water almost every day, i usually skip 1-2 days a week only.


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She is always seeking for light, trying to dodge the tall durbans everytime. I think this plant stretched more then it should, and some of it's branches doesn't look very strong. i might have some problems soon here. She ended up as tall as the other durbans now. it got tons of bud spots, and looks like its going to give me some good yield aswell.

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when i got back home, i realized she had some weird formations, and i thought it might be another hermie. But as 2-3 days passed, i could notice the plant was safe, and 100% female. Last time my banana blaze hermed due high stress, and i was afraid it was happening again, since they got 1/3 of the food they required while i was away from home.

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Her buds are still on early stage, she was the last one to get into flowering, even the clone started before her, lol. But this plant is looking pretty healthy, i really want to see what's going to happend in the next weeks.


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This is my first clone attempt, and it's been funny so far. It got almost no branches and no buds, but this top one !

i hope i can get like 5 extra g from it lol. It had no time to vegetate, so this is what i got from it lol.

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i was not going to drop this picture, beacuse it sucks. but here we go, this is her full body. The wind does not let me take good pictures in here, so most i can get is this blury pictures =[ but you can get the scene.

Thanks everyone for reading. If you guys have any tips or suggestion fell free to tell me, i would aprecciate it.

See ya soon !

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Looking good, The Durban is a great strain to grow. they stretch like crazy, Was that the plan?>

Not really, i think i let them stretch a little bit more then it should ahahah

but i like what i see... i hope it gets good in the end =p

Hey! Glad to see you back again, and happy to see your plants doing wells

Thanks !! =D it is really awesome to be back. i hope this grow get a happy end ! peace !!

Looking good man. I really think that you need some better lights in there though. That is one of the main things that I have learned over the past couple grows is the importance of some high quality lights and to make sure that you have enough light coverage for all the plants to get those fat nugs.

i guess i will need an light upgrade soon. or just stay with 2 plants on my next grow. Good to see you, and thanks like always !

I've got one of my plants with three lights on it and then another plant in a small tent with its own light. Whenever I stacked too many plants in the tent without adequate lighting, I found that I would always get loose airy buds.

i got another 100W light.. i might get into the grow, but i will need more stuff to connect it with the timer.. ill need to shop

The formation is really wired😹😹😹

indeed ! i tought it was going to be some bananas. gladly they are not lol