in AFRI-TUNES6 months ago

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Hello Music lovers,
Welcome to another week on #Afritunesweek89
This week I will be presenting a song titled 'Your Word ' by pastor Chingtok Ishaku.

The word of God is God in a written form. His word reveals to us who He is, there is no relationship with God without His word.
His word is like a weapon to fight against the wiles of the enemies.

image source

Joshua said This word will not depart from my mouth and I will meditate there day and night. Meditation on the word of God will take us to the realm and the digestion of the word. His word gives us understanding and opens our eyes to the right path. It shines light into our life.

The psalmist said your word have I hidden in my heart so that I might not sin against you.

His word will not make us perish and die of ignorance. Many fall into sin because they lack the knowledge of the word of God. Many can't differentiate between what is right or wrong as a child of God, they will always follow whatever anyone tells them to do. The word of God is a compass that directs us on what to do and how to do it.

God's word is life eternal.

God's word is His mind towards us.

God's word is His love for us. A love letter expressing the love of a generous father to His kids.

God's word is a road map for us as His children.

God's word is His will that states everything we have in Christ.

God's word assures us of victory and an eternal hope of glory.

The lyrics Here

▶️ 3Speak


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 183 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Your Word by Pastor Chingtok Ishaku - a powerful reminder that God's Word is our guiding light.
Well done.

Yes, God's word is our guiding light.
Thanks for stopping by

Beautiful song

Thanks, for coming around

Awesome song 🔥


You are welcome my dear

what a perfect melodical representation of psalm 119 vs 105! I love the the song Already, and I hope there is a studio version of this song because I will love to check it out and possibly add it to my playlist of spirit lifting songs.

your singing shows your vocal prowess because even without a musical acompaniment, the presentation was enjoyable. thanks for your presence!

I appreciate your observation. And I am glad you love the song.
Thanks for coming around

God's word is truly everything we need and the keys to living life successfully

We are nothing without the word of God.
Thanks for stepping in my blog

It's my pleasure

God's Love is the greatest to us all

His love for mankind can not be quantified.
Thanks for coming around.

Indeed 🙏
You are highly Welcome

You presentation is really nice

Thanks, friend for stopping by

This is a powerful word...I am meditating on this song now and I can say that I feel blessed. Well done ma
I came in through #dreemport

I am glad to hear that you are blessed with the rendition.

Thanks for your comment

A wonderful presentation here. I absolutely love this piece

That was really awesome, the man of God did amazing work and this will serve as a reminder to always nvolve in any activities that will draw us closer to God.

Thanks for sharing this.
