Beautiful and Full HD Video of Cuckoo Birds

in DTube4 years ago (edited)


My Dear Creative Hiveans, I Hope you are all Well and Safe By the Grace of Almighty Creator.

Today I'm going to share with all a beautiful video of Cuckoo Birds.

Cuckoo is well known as a singing bird and also known as the most clever birds in the world. If you are from a village I'm sure you must hear the beautiful singing voice of Cuckoo in spring.

The intention of Creating every bird-related post is for creating awareness about the Existence of birds.

Hope you all enjoy the video.

Video Shoot by Nikkon D-3500
Edit In: Camtasia studio

I'm a student and Photography Is my hobby, I just spend a huge amount on making a tour for capturing photos and everything is for creating my #STEEM and #HIVE Blogs and there is no other intension. I'm not getting my expected support from my blogs. So I'm asking for support from you all that I can continue my photography.

You Can support my work by delegating #STEEM and #HIVE or by donating #STEEM & #HIVE through my @uttambarman (Both Steem and Hive account).

Thanks for being with me and for supporting me. Stay Home and Stay Safe.


Hi, @shadonchandra nominated one of your previous posts to my upvote giveaway but that post is now too old so I am upvoting this one instead. Keep up the great work, your photos of birds are amazing :)

This post earned a total payout of 0.312$ and 0.156$ worth of author reward that was liquified using @likwid.
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