Regenerative Sleep and Recoup

in Rant, Complain, Talklast month (edited)

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to reflect on how important it is to get decent sleep when you are trying to be creative!


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Regenerative Sleep and Recoup

Recently I was doing a whole lot of writing and working, and essentially running on empty for a bit. I was suffering some consequences due to that so I decided it would be a good idea to take several days of a break off. It felt good to regenerate my mind and get some sleep!

I love writing and being on Hive but at the same time, just like working and taking a few days off, we need to have time off chain to do other things and especially refocus and regenerate in whatever ways we can. I decided to focus mainly on engagement and getting caught up with the Rant community posts that I was neglecting but most importantly go to bed by 9 or 930pm every night for a few nights!


There is a fine line when it comes to being productive and mildly tired and just being exhausted lol. I was hitting the exhaustion phase and knew that I had to take a step back! I'm glad that I also didn't get sick at the same time, when I've been that tired in the past, I would unfortunately fall sick but we got so much sickness this time around, I am glad that I seemed to have fended it off!

Being able to identify the signs of exhaustion are also important because sometimes we ignore them or take additional things to suppress it and that causes a host of other issues. We've been so conditioned to ignore our bodies these days, and it's got all kinds of mechanisms to tell us important things about our health and mental state. We are conditioned to take a pill to do X Y or Z in order to turn these things in our body off which is unfortunate! Yes we should be able to overcome some of these physical limitations when appropriate but there are too often times when we do it reflexively instead of letting our body rest and recover.


I'm certainly guilty of not letting my body rest and recover, as everyone else is certainly capable of confirming at some point in their adult lives. I think there is certainly a limitation to that though - when it comes to hobbies, you have to find a balance between doing it and overdoing it. Hive is certainly hobby, even though writing is really important for me at the end of the day it is a hobby and you have to treat most hobbies the same. Take breaks from them when you're getting over exerted!

I am at fault though LOL during the few days that I took off, the first day I drank a beer and that fucked up my sleep pretty good. That set me down a path for a few days of not getting enough sleep, because I was playing catch up. I have unfortunately come to the determination that I can't drink alcohol the way I used to. It's challenging but at the same time, it is what it is. I would rather sacrifice drinking some alcohol and getting an hour or two of relaxation or enjoyment to having a shitty night sleep and plenty of things to do the next day that I can't easily get out of, my son and his energy being the primary driver there lol.


I'm glad that I prepared myself for the few days of rest by just getting some posts scheduled and published - I have some catching up to do but thankfully during that bit of a break, I was writing down various topics to get writing on so that was a benefit! I guess I wasn't totally removed from it all haha but with things that you enjoy, it's difficult to completely unwind these days!

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Hey there! Your InLeo Premium membership expired and I noticed you didn't renew it

I'm looking for ways to improve the Premium experience, do you mind giving me feedback and maybe a couple reasons why you decided not to renew it?

I might be talking out of my ass, since I haven't even touched InLeo.

But get the price down of the Premium. It shouldn't be like paying for web2 services. I think you guys should aim for 3 HBD a month and focus on getting more revenue elsewhere (We can get in more detailed), but ofc don't drop it from 10 to 3 HBD at once, slowly decrease it with 1 HBD now and then.

Also, as other users have talked about, remove the viewing limit. No matter the amount of views someone gets, if there is ads, they should get a little bit. But maybe have a database where people needs to get 200 views or more before the payment comes regardless of have much time it takes :D

What about auto-renewable premium from the Ad revenue someone is generated? And if their accounts doesn't hit that mark one month, they get a little notice saying they need to pay x amount for the Premium:D

 29 days ago  

Good suggestions!

 last month  

Time :D was busy I'll do it in a few weeks after hpud!

Hahaha awesome!

 29 days ago  

On vacation right now half checking hive, by the time I realized my premium expired I had too many other things to do so I said I will renew when I have time to dedicate

I feel like taking time off right now. This year has been a bit stressful to start off with. Just silly stuff really!

 27 days ago  

Yeah it's not fun when that happens! Hopefully the year improves for you! There’s also the other way to look at it - these are learning opportunities for you and take them as you can to grow.

Being creative and having a good rest works hand in hand. Anyone who’s based on creating things needs to give himself or hers time to rest so that will help the brain to be refreshed
That’s why sleep is very important for the body

 27 days ago  

Yeah for sure it's important for the creativity of the body!

It's just like that saying, "Pick a day to rest, before your body does it for you." We'd all love to be David Goggins, constantly pushing ourselves past our limits, but it will always reach a point where you eventually just need to de-stress and rest...

I'm glad you recognize and are trying to achieve that balance! The beginning is difficult, but once the groove comes, it will get easier 🙂 Good luck!

 27 days ago  

Ah Goggins that dudes amazing and really inspiring! I love listening to him talk, and have heard him on Rogan several times and jordan Peterson once I think. It's incredible how we find our situations difficult but in the grand scheme of things they aren't.

It is certainly important to rest before the body freaks out and forces us to do it haha. I'm partaking in it when I can although it's not easy because there's always stuff to do!

 27 days ago  

Yeah it is - I find I need more of it every few weeks.