
So, I needed to restock some perfumes and I had some orders to meet up with, so I went to the market today. I woke up around 6:30 reluctantly because I slept so late last night and my body was quite weak because it obviously needed more rest. I got out of bed, said a short prayer, went to brush my teeth and eventually took my bath. I wore my cloths and picked things I might need into my tote bag. I took some time to feed the goat and chicken we rear at our backyard.

I set out after, got to the pack and fortunately, it didn't take too much time for the bus to get filled up. To cut the long story short, I got to the bus-stop of this market and got down from the third bus I took in the morning. My hand mistakenly touched one lady that we got down together and I immediately apologized. She also mistakenly bumped into me while leaving that spot and apologized as well.

We laughed at what just happened and we got talking from there. I am not one person that knows how to make friends that quickly, but she was just cool. It turned out that she was also going to the market, so we just strolled together while we talked about business and what we are going through as entrepreneurs. She is into a different business but she sells one of the things I sell--perfume oils. I took her to a customer of mine but she ended up going to the place where she used to buy it from because there was a little price difference.

I later parted with her after she got her perfume oils and she also requested for my number before I left. I went on to begin my own purchases, and that took me about 2 hours plus. It took me that long because things have gotten quite expensive in the market, and I was trying to find the best deals. After finishing what I went to buy, I started my journey back home. I left the market and found my way to the car pack to take a bus to Ibadan.

The journey was going well and we were getting closer to our destination when the cloud started getting dark. The breeze was blowing heavily and it was so evident that it would rain so much. I was just praying that I should be able to reach my house before the rain would start. This rain started not long after and it was so heavy, but I had not gotten to my destination yet.

When I eventually got there, it was still raining and I really wished I could stay in the bus for a longer period. I got down and immediately got drenched because it was still pouring a lot. Since there was no shade around, I just accepted my fate and started walking down. I got a walking partner who was heading towards the same way with me and she was really kind. She helped with my load while I tried to navigate the flooded areas we were to pass.

When we got to the bus-stop and wanted to enter a vehicle, I slipped while attempting that and hit my arm on the body of the vehicle. It was so painful that I wanted to cry, but I handled it. Apparently, the rain had made my sandals slippery and that was why that happened. I put some balm on it when I got home and I hope it gets better by tomorrow. Right now, I just want to sleep for like three straight days😂, I am that tired and exhausted.

Thanks for reading❤️

 last month  

The trials and tribulations of the daily struggle. It’s tricky indeed but I think it’s a way to feel alive, albeit uncomfortable but it’s better than the alternative.

Yeah, I agree with you on this. It feels totally amazing to have something doing than when you don't.