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RE: First Day of 365 Days

Hope is the last thing to be lost... I am sure that all those approaches you describe here will have their place and important moment in the coming year.
I am from Venezuela and I always maintain the hope that one day this will change and that we Venezuelans will be able to be happy again with an acceptable economy.

Surely you will have the joy of visiting other beautiful places in different countries and be able to take great pictures like the ones you always share.

Hive will continue to grow and will surely become one of the best decentralized communities of the moment.

For all these things we must always keep the faith, keep that full hope that things for this 2023 are going to do for good... It has been a pleasure to be here and read you, I hope this new year fills you and your family with many blessings, have a great time.

 last year  

I hope the same thing for you. I think the economy is on uncharted territory right now. 2022 was surprising enough with the Russian-Ukraine conflict, I hope it's nothing like that this year that potentially could affect all of us. But even if something is brewing, we can only hope to survive whatever that is.

I completely agree, but still let's keep the faith, may 2023 become that year of worldwide productivity and peace.