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RE: The masks we wear

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

I was so happy to wear masks when I was a child but now I think the fewer masks I wear, the happier I am.

You mean face-masks? Yeah, I can imagine they're not so good...I've not worn one yet, except when I don my superhero mask...But that's different altogether.

I guess the use of the word masks was more figurative than literal here though, for the purpose of making a point. Like I said in the post, we [figuratively] change masks, [how we act and present] depending on the situation, like at work, or with family, strangers and so on. We choose to present ourselves differently or, change masks so to speak.

Here on social media it is very prevalent with people hiding behind their perceived anonymity they can represent themselves in any way they decide, good, bad or otherwise. Some have done it quite well by creating a persona they present here, others have used their anonymity to behave poorly.

You're new here and I hope you'll add some personality, passion and effort to what you do although there's alternative options too...It's all a choice.

Thanks for commenting.