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RE: Nothing is lost until your mom can't find it...

I have a Nokia like the one Vodafone says. Mine is pink. Well... actually my mum is the one who keeps it and charges it, it lasts for a week.
Well it doesn't exist and you can't do anything about it at the moment 😂 you'll have to live on the edge without that much monitoring.
What will happen is that when you stop looking it will appear.


Wohoooo, and it still works? Antique pieces in home hahaha 😂

Yes, exactly. I can't find it - it actually doesn't exist! Nothing more to add to it and just keep living without it, as until now :D

{He regresado del paseo y estoy comiendo roscos y mantecados 😱}

Sí, funciona. Se me quedaron contactos en ese teléfono y mi madre me llama a veces cuando le suena la notificación de un cumpleaños 😎

Pues yo como estoy enfermita me estoy tomando ahora un té de jengibre con hojas de guayaba... Y preparando un caldo de pollo.

Aquí en La Habana llueve.

He visto que estás malita y con fiebre 🤒 Espero te recuperas pronto 🤗

Gracias! 🙃