Throughout history it is very common to see great empires with a figure who is said to be the guy who conquered so and so, did so and so, expanded so and so, and is seen as the most important figure who led his nation to become a greater empire.
Names like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, etc.
For great empires this is usual. But surprisingly British Colonialism which is about the greatest conquest ever never get mentioned alongside a name or two as the central figures who made it happen.
Certainly if you read history you can have some names you can mention as the important figures but it seems more like insider knowledge, it's not common like the names mentioned above. Isn't that very surprising?
Especially given how mind-blowing British Colonialism was. The amount of space covered, and the influence it had on the world till this day. Just the other day I saw a video of a member of some very obscure race speaking English and I marveled at how much of the world speak/learn the language.
That is crazy influence, all brought about by the massive reach of British Colonialism. But all of these don't have any hero/conqueror being sung about? None of these made anyone famous enough?
No King or Queen or Prime Minister or General? Very surprising, or what do you think? Furthermore because they had Kings and Queens and Prime Ministers, the kind of guys that like to take all the credit for every little thing. How come none of them took enough credit and place themselves at the forefront?
Even without taking credit, these are the kind of leaders who Generals, Explorers and other people who do the real dirty work like to willingly give credit to. So why were things different in this case? Very interesting, of you ask me.
The End
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A few of the British descendants here in New Zealand celebrate Captain Cook, who they credit with "discovering" New Zealand. Of course, the rest of us indigenous celebrate his death by the Hawaiians on 14 February.
Hahahaha. As should be. I hope his grave has been destroyed (if it is in New Zealand).