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RE: You Don't Know If You're Manipulated

Being manipulated by family members happens all of the time. Have you seen a child cry and have a tantrum to get its mother’s attention? Or your parents pressure you to become a doctor and study hard against your wishes?

But we are manipulated in subtle ways. Big companies spend millions of dollars to have their products, and only their products at eye level in shops. It’s quite troubling at times.


All kinds of negative energy exist, created and used in various ways. So as long as the environment rewards such behaviour, you will get more of the same.

I am in the opinion that if we are self-aware, confident, have strong critical thinking skills, and are well-informed about manipulation tactics we are less likely to be manipulated.

We are products of our environment. As per

Big companies spend millions of dollars

They do it because it works. Consider the usage of salt, sugar and fats. Science knows that these element have a huge impact on our brain response as per reward system. Manufacturer should be sued and CEOs put in jail for a period of time. Abuse of these elements create a huge amount of problems for society at many levels and for many years. Short term gain with long term pain. So yeah, lots of manipulation but it can avoided. Not saying it is easy for some. But doable just the same. Just need more exercise for the frontal lobe of the brain and less for the mesolimbic dopamine system. !lol

I agree with you.