A double tragedy

Double Tradgey: Two Deaths.

Picture Source Fox News

I think that in general, violence, except when defending oneself from violence is rarely a good solution to a problem. And rarely the right answer to a question.
I think of it as the ultimate failure of reason.

I understand the frustration that many people feel with the healthcare system, as it is sometimes an impersonable system, where people are sometimes reduced to case numbers to attempt to objectify decision making, but the business deals with people's personable and private matters.
It is a paradox, imepersonal service for a very personal issue.

Unfortunately sciences attract people who don't alsways have the best people skills, but have excellent technical skills. In fact, I would go as far as to say:

The Holy Grail of Healthcare is to find workers with both technical skills and people skills.
source: me

Again a paradox, as people who deal with people should be people persons. but science and technical fields attract non-people persons.

Another thing...

The next thing I will say on this event is that despite this man being the "Head of the Snake" to some people. He was probably just another cog in the wheel, a servant to the Board of Directors, who are servants to their shareholders, shareholders who want profit, profit and more profit. The CEO doesn't deal with customers in a one on one fashion, and he was very far removed from the decisions which infuriate people when they del with healthcare.

His job is really focused on communication with the board of directors and the shareholders what the numbers means, and what big plans the company has to move into lucrative markets and grow their share of the market. While they may repeat mission statements, they are really responsible for denying care. That is something several layers below him in the organization, many, many layers below him.

You killed the wrong guy...

So while some may see this violence as a win for the lttle guy victimized by this insurance company, the person who denied or delayed care wasn't him. He took the fall or literally the bullet for someone else.

Which brings us to another tragedy. The guy who didn't commit the crime was punished, actually killed. While the guy or gal who actually denied or delayed the care, got off scot free.

This is just one more reason that violence is a poor substitute for reason. This guy didn't deny the care, someone else did, but you chose him as a symbol of evil. When in reality he is just another guy with a wife, children and parents working hard to take care of his family.

Last words

In my way of thinking, you don't kill reasonable people, you talk with them, you reason with them, and you sue them if necessary.
But you don't kill people you disagree with.

If we do that we are murdering people all the time for any thing we are passionate about.
That's not who we are as Americans or civilized people anywhere on earth.

An eye for eye, just leaves a bunch of people blind and doesn't really help the first person who lost their eye.

It isn't rational, it isn't logical and it doesn't solve anything.

It just creates more sadness and something for people to talk about instead of the problem.

Do we have a problem with the healthcare system?
Do we have a problem with the education system?
Do we have a problem with the banking system?

Should we all start shooting people in the back of the head who we feel are to blame?
Should random people become Judge, Jury and Executioner to solve societies ills

We are better then this, we must be better then this, we need to be better then this.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is such a cluster f--k, and I agree, so sad on so many levels.
I have been to countries where people settle there intrapersonal differences with AK-47s and it is a shit show.
When you live somewhere where violence is the solution, and life is the problem, you see the vigilantes constantly killing the wrong guy and a other people being killed or mainmed because they were caught in the cross fire as well.
Life becomes a dystopian disaster where you can die any day, for anything, regardless of whether you actually had anything to do with the original problem.
We don't want to go there.

Your eloquence is legendary, but your clarity is refershing.

Great to see someone with common sense, I was getting sick and tired of seeing the same hivemind mentality everywhere. Personal justice isn't okay, because the same standards they use to demonize CEOs will eventually be used against you. It's why it doesn't work, we rely on law, we come to a conclusion as a society

Exactly. This behavior is wrong for many reasons, and I hope society eventually coalesces around this belief.

I will agree with your view not kill reasonable. We can reason the issue out with each other rather than violence

Exactly, we should be able to talk and persuade people based on the logic and evidence of our positions.

The fact we are even debating the validity of this murder is sad.
We don't have the strength of charactyer as a contry to condem this act uniformly.