The actions of pedophiles will surprise you.

Who lets them wander free? Bitterness in their hearts, their actions are abusive. They shouldn't be let into the society where innocent young's dance around.

There's this feminine group I joined lately on Facebook and yesterday a woman came with a complaint about how her brother-in-law fell in love (lust and wickedness obviously) with her ten year old daughter. It didn't just end there, he has been abusing the child, not just that he threatened to kill her if she ever reported to anyone.

She said she noticed her daughter wasn't herself any more, a child who used to be bright and outspoken no longer communicated, she'd sit alone and sometimes tears escaped her eyes which was of concern to the mother and she went closer for a mother daughter conversation but the little girl would refuse to talk and even walked out on her. It got unbearable for the child and one day in her tears she ran to her mother and poured out her burden.

I don't care if the said uncle of this child is in prison right now for child abuse but all I care about is the mental health of that child. I've read several books and watched a few films where pedophiles go about tormenting little children and I'm like hell no! These people shouldn't be allowed to wander the streets.

The emotional damage to that child is severe and she may likely not recover quickly. She was injured, threatened and is in depression. Though the mother has been advised to make her see a child therapist, it's gonna be a tough time for that little one.

It makes me remember when I was almost raped while in high school, I felt like dying that day, the tears, fear and everything that happened was too fast but lucky me I had a savior. Even with the savior, I was traumatized, I couldn't go out to look anyone in the face, I felt the whole world was against me and I know that's what that little girl should be going through right now.

There are good people around but there are bad ones too. It may be a friend or brother. I've heard of siblings hurting each other, I've heard of children killing their parents then why won't an uncle defile his brother's daughter? It's sad but we have to take caution.

Children are to be watched closely else you'll lose 'em to the wicked people around. In my case my mom acted fast else depression would have taken over me and I don't know where I'd have been today.

Reading traumatizing stories of children suffering for what they know nothing of makes me want to have a super power where I can eliminate all these bad people from the face of the Earth.

Pedophiles are more like murderers, they're incestuous, they go extra to shipping with characters without their opinions or consent.

These youngs' nowadays go through a lot but most of them feel they can handle the situation and when they eventually can't, they break down and crash. If you see a child you can talk to who you feel is in a depressing state or is going through a lot and you feel you can help please reach out to them. I had no one in my life as at when I was almost raped but my mom and I'm glad she saw the need to get me a therapist, it helped me let go of some of the things that bothered me because at that time, all I wanted was for the ground to open up and swallow me.

Children do contemplate suicide, I did too as a little girl so don't think they don't. Reach out to a child today if you can. Your shoulder may be of great help to them.



Cultivating curiosity for little minds. This is worth a reshare.🤸🏽‍♂️😎🌷

Thanks for the reshare

This is really sad. It'll also not go down so well with the mother knowing that her daughter is traumatized. I can feel their pain from here. I pray the child recovers quickly.

Yes! The mother would be bothered too. Thanks for stopping by @teknon

The pleasure is all mine.

 3 years ago  

People can be strange and unthinking, to put it mildly. In our country we used to hang pedophiles. I still don't understand why they stopped.

True! really strange. Thanks for reading through

 3 years ago  

Reading your post woke up my brain a little

 3 years ago (edited) 

There are many things I don’t understand and this shit is definitely one of those things. It’s some sick shit! What’s worse is there are a lot of people in the wealthy class of society that this is all they do. What the fuck is wrong with people?! Some terrible shit.

there are a lot of people in the wealthy class of society that this is all they do.

Very correct! It's more rampant with them because they feel they can take what they want.

Some terrible shit.

Very terrible shit indeed.