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RE: No cheating this time! LOL Market Friday-DreemPort Challenge - week 2!

in Market Friday2 years ago

i am SUCH a foodie. It's terrible!

You know i still have your recipe waiting for me in July! hahahah i have a whole stack of recipes. hehehe

When I was younger, I only ate to survive. LOL Food wasn't such a big deal for me. It was nice enough but nothing to spend time over. As a matter of fact, I used to swish the food around my dinner plate and talk and talk and talk - until dinner was over and I was the last one at the table. LOLOL

and my mom was a good cook too! But it was just lost on me.

Times changed, I started to enjoy food more, married a chef, worked in a restaurant... hehehehe

then I started to watch a lot of foodtv to learn how to make fun meals for my family and found out just how tasty things could be!!! But after 30 years of cooking, I started to just get bored with it. I mean - not just 30 years. But trying to watch my weight, watch my budget... all that hehehe

I do love making delicious foods still - but I'm also trying to not be obsessed with it hahahaha

wish I could just have my hubby or kids' metabolisms so I could eat whatever I wanted and be thin hahahahahahahaa

and i'm cracking up about your Italian owner who threw pots and pans. What is it about cooking that makes us all so passionate? hehehehehe I don't know - but I can laugh cuz i wasn't there... but I would not like to be around someone throwing pots and pans. I might have to tie them up until they calmed down LOLOLOLOL

