Hola amig@s!
Join me for a shopping trip to a local supermarket that specializes in selling organic products. This supermarket is quite popular in the area because of the variety and the freshness of the products they offer. This supermarket is called Krieger's and is located in the city of Cuyahoga Falls in northwest Ohio.
Do you like flowers?
Upon entering the store we found a table full of freshly cut flowers. In this case, the store was selling floral bouquets of tulips, daffodils and yellow crocuses. Very beautiful flowers.
Do you want to drink freshly squeezed orange juice?
At this station you can fill your bottle with the amount of freshly squeezed orange juice "supposedly" you want. I really liked this option.
Are you in the organic food trend?
Well, this is the perfect supermarket for you, if you prefer to avoid larger supermarket chains. This supermarket is characterized by the great variety of products they sell. We can find all kinds of vegetables, fruits, eggs, wines, spices, beverages, delicatessen. Most of these products are organic.
Looking for your favorite fruit?
Fruits are the most abundant. We can find apples, oranges, lemons, cantaloupe, kiwi, prunes, etc.
Are you looking for the freshest vegetables and root vegetables?
Here you will find a variety of organic vegetables, cultivated on farms in the community.
Supporting local production and family-owned and operated businesses
In addition to selling organic products, this supermarket is also characterized by its support and sale of locally produced products and family-owned businesses. Such is the case, for example, of the Smith Dairy Farm, which is one of the largest and most important dairy farms in the state.
We also find honey, bakeries and locally produced wines. All these products are sold in this store
Eggs of your choice.
Until I came here to the US, I only knew about two types of eggs: those from large farms and those from small farms. The first are the ones you would normally find in supermarkets and which we buy in cardboard containers of 15 or 30 eggs. The "criollo" eggs, or eggs from small, local farms, are not very common to find in these supermarkets. If you want them, you have to go to the towns and villages where these farms are located. Here,in this country and this store, it is totally different. HERE, THERE ARE EGGS FOR EVERY TASTE AND NEED. Eggs with two yolks, eggs from cage-free hens, organic eggs, brown eggs, and you name it, they have it.
However, if there is one thing I would criticize is the excessive use of plastic containers and plastic bags. They could look for more ecological ways of selling their products: people carrying their own bags, use of paper bags (I understand that it may be more expensive, but something should be implemented), use of recycled plastic (I don't know if it is the case there), or any other more ecological method.
To conclude, this supermarket offers a great variety of products to those people who are looking for organically grown products; it is also satisfying to visit and shop in places like these that support local production and small traders. Although it may be a little more expensive than going to a large supermarket (the reasons are obvious), it is always a good idea to support these types of stores with your purchase.Greetings