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RE: Market Friday: Bull Run Winery, Grapes to Glass Part Two

in Market Friday2 years ago

It was great that you get to taste the wine too. Such sophisticated process to produce the wine, no wonder wines are not cheap.

Stomping? I immediately think of the bulls stomp on them? 'coz of the name Bull Run. Haha.

I had only tried grape wine once in my life. We don't drink alot of wine here unless we have the budget. But I heard it is good for health especially the ones made by grapes. Maybe it will get us to bull run. 😜


Yes! You would love to go to Bull Run! :) Bull Run is the name of the Battlefield that it adjoins. Bull Run was a famous battle in our Civil War in July 1861.

There are a couple of vineyards that do the grape stomping. Your feet stay purple for a while. Many places like Italy and France and Napa Vally here in the US do it as an end-of-harvest event. It's a thing and it's FUN! :)

I am not a huge drinker, but a nice glass now and then is good and it is supposed to be good for your health! :)

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