Market Friday;Barbershop and window shopping

in Market Friday8 months ago

Happy Friday hivers!!!!
What's up everyone?I hope you are all doing great today.Be safe wherever you are in the world right now.

Today ,my don't have classes as the teachers from his scholl was having a district meeting.
So I decided to take him to a barber shop coz his hair is already long.


Before when he was 1year old up to 4 years old his father is the one who cut his hair but when he is getting older ,he realized that he does'nt like the way his father cuts his hair haha.He always asking me to go to a barbershop everytime his hair is already long.

I should take him to a barber shop today coz tomorrow he will attending a school activity.Since he is a band member of the school and plays a flagger he needs to have a haircut so that his face looks good for tomorrow.Tommorow is a scouting day ,it will started with a parade .

Just this morning we went to the town and went first to a barbershop .



While waiting for my son to finish his haircut ,I went to the beside stall which is a tailoring shop.My husband's jacket needed a zipper replacement.


My son's haircut takes only a few minutes so we went next to a near mall.He was asking a new pencil ,eraser and sharpener.I did'nt agree on him coz I only have 500pesos or $10,we will have to buy his needs in a small store to avoid looking something to buy on but he keeps asking me and promised not to ask a toy.

So I take him to a near mall and bought his needs .







I saw some Christmas decors but we don't have money for it haha.Christmas is fast approaching and we don't have yet some decors in the house .



After we pay my son's school needs ,he saw the foot wear area and asking me to buy a slippers.He and his brother needs a new slipper so buy two pairs of it.

After paying ,I checked my wallet and laughing the amount that left haha ,it was enough for our fare going home haha.I told my son that we need to go home coz we don't have money anymore,I am scared we can broke something and we don't have money to pay for it hahaha.

And that's it for my #marketfriday entry ,thanks to miss @dswigle for inniating this topic.

Have a happy Friday all ,God bless!


I like Christmas, but not so much the trees but the lights, I think it gives a nice touch to the house. But like you, I don't have any money so I had to put up last year's...
Your son looked very handsome, I hope you enjoyed the time away from school. Cheers.

Thank you so much for your time ,have a great day and advance merry Christmas🥰