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RE: The Unsung Heroes Of Modern Science - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

in StemSocial2 years ago

It works more general for all the rationals.

Take it easy comrade, I'm aware

I think it is true that any subset of the rationals gives a box counting dimension \leq 1

It (subset of rationals) actually does.

The main point is that the Hausdorf dimension is zero. Because it is countable. Thefore, the Hausdorf dimension says it is not a fractal whereas the Boxcounting dimensions says it is a fractal.

I think I get where you are coming from.

It's nice learning from you anyways, thanks.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I am happy to share :3

I think it is true that any subset of the rationals gives a box counting dimension \leq 1

Ah yes, this is obviously true :P

An interesting exercise would be to construct a non-finite subset of the rationals with box counting dimension equal to zero :3

An interesting exercise would be to construct a non-finite subset of the rationals with box counting dimension equal to zero :3

Ok, good luck with that.