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RE: Citizen science on Hive - simulating top quark production at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider

Job well done boss, it hasn't been an easy road I must testify though the journey is time consuming, more reading,more explanations, more understanding, and very many more, MORE STRENGTH BOSS. To the project, bravo to the software installation as I have known the little I have tried wasn't easy though,. In the absence of my contribution physically, my mind is with the team....CANT WAIT TO SEE IT SUCCESSFUL.

 2 years ago  

Hehe! Thanks for being so supportive to all participants, and to the project as a whole. Yes, it takes time. However, the rewards will just be amazing when the project will get completed. We are however not there (at least yet).


Yes boss, I understand its just a matter of time, more diligence and hard work which you and your team is putting in will make successfully done. More agility boss, you got my support

 2 years ago  

Thank you!