When happiness isn't elusive...

in StemSocial3 years ago (edited)

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We describe happiness as an elusive condition for the few. We can't deny that most of us live our lives searching for real happiness, but everyone falls short since happiness varies from one person to another. Although we misunderstand happiness most of the time, we still believe it is unreachable. Science tried to explain and give a logical means of achieving it. But can we logically achieve happiness to what science recommends?

We desire a happy existence. But for some, only a few enjoy its trueness, and we can't argue that a few only know what real happiness is. Most of us feel unmixed bliss, and it is the reality. We learned through our experiences that being happy is not always true. One of the science recommendations is exercises. Exercises can make us happy and protect us from depression. I may not align myself to doing exercise, but I can attest that when I did, it helped.

Sleep can alleviate sadness to some extent. When we have negativity, concepts are less prevalent with the right amount of sleep. Sleep can affect our happiness. Most recommend sleeping eight hours a night will improve our mood, but it isn't always true. We are of different built. Some can stay in a good mood despite having fewer hours of sleep. I can align myself to it. I often sleep more or less 6 hours a day, and I can stay up for long despite lack of sleep.

Like I said before, we are different. What makes sense to us may not make sense to others. That is why we peg happiness in different ways. Some are happier spending more time with friends and family. Though it may appear apparent, it proved objectively. Some people that have close friendships and family connections lead to higher satisfaction.


Spending more time with people and engaging in activities help with our happiness. Science even recommends that we need to have at least five people with whom we feel linked to being truly happy. For some, staying home doesn't keep them sane, but it isn't always true. Introverts can have different perspectives on it. I have some got an ounce of introversion in me that I love spending more time in my cave than engaging in activities. But introversion isn't antisocial.

When we expose ourselves to nature, we may bless with happiness. I love this idea. I practice it myself. I make some time spend with nature when I want to unwind. Nature boost and improves not just our mood but even our health. It can help boost our cognitive abilities to some extent. When a chance to submerge outside the city presents itself, we should take it and experience a shift of perspective. That is when happiness becomes real.

Although I am not a travel buddy, I went to the countryside from time to time to relieve the overstimulation and stressor of the city. I find the countryside a good place for my wellness and to unwind. I can breathe fresh air overlooking the beaches on the horizon. I sit on the coast and indulge in silence. Think through the things we want. It brings bliss and joy.

Smiling can help us feel better. Even fake smiles change our mood, especially when accompanied by good memories and intentions. Facial nuisance is essential gives off genuine grin signals to our brain that we are not in pain. A smile calms our brain that we are doing good. We choose to focus on the positive and be optimistic. It makes us feel better than focusing on the bad.

When we are down, our family and friends encourage us to smile more. It's not the best counsel to provide, especially if it invalidates our difficulties, even those who have battled depression for a long time. Nonetheless, despite this denial, there may be cause to smile intentionally. Some have a greater natural tendency to smile than others. Are they genetically predisposed to smile more? Doubtful. Those that smile a lot establish behaviors that focus on the pleasant elements of life. Life will be more lovely if we have a more optimistic perspective and use our sense of humor and smile.


Our smile causes dopamine and serotonin to be released, making us feel good and have lower stress. That is why when we smile that we instantly feel better even if our smile is phony. Our brain can't distinguish between the two. It gives our brain to link smiling with happiness over time. Smiling appears to provide the same level of enjoyment as exercise.

It appears that the sheer act of physically smiling, whether genuine or not, fools your brain into thinking you're genuinely pleased. Smiling also causes us to recall happy experiences, which boosts our mood even more. Those who smile regards to be more approachable. Our smile makes others around us happy.

I'll be contradictory for this one. Do we judge people with what expression their face wears? The majority of us do. Our smile doesn't always associate with happiness. None of us are always 100 percent accurate. I consider myself to be a happy and cheerful person, despite my introversion. That's not to say I don't have good and terrible days like everyone else. I certainly do. Some days may feel awful or awesome.

So, how can we claim to be happy? We can't deny that it is undoubtedly difficult to achieve a consensus on what happiness truly entails. It appears to me to be a brief happy mood. That is what the majority of us are pursuing. We do what makes us happy. Happiness has various facets and paths it may take. May we achieve satisfaction and inner serenity as we travel through life. Always be willing to assist others along the road. Next time, we should smile more often. We cheer ourselves and turn that frown upside down.

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All digital illustrations is created by the author.

Readings and Facts about Smile, Brains, and Happiness

  1. University of Tennessee at Knoxville., Psychologists find smiling really can make people happier, ScienceDaily

  2. Nicholas A. Coles, Jeff T. Larsen, Heather C. Lench. A meta-analysis of the facial feedback literature: Effects of facial feedback on emotional experience are small and variable.., APA


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