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RE: What Does Modern Physics Say About The Number Of Our Dimensions ? - Part 2

in StemSocial2 years ago

This is a very interesting blog I smiled a bit when I saw the image of the tube to explain higher dimensions, as I use the same kind of pictures with students when I need to explain how extra dimensions look like. Instead of a tube, I however use a pencil.

Anyways, as you said it, unification is a researched goal for a long time. Already at the level of the three fundamental interactions of the Standard Model (i.e. without gravity), there is already a lot to understand and test. As soon as we combine these three forces, we have indeed a lot of new particles and phenomena around the place that are in principle observable (and thus testable). The flavour anomalies and their possible leptoquark interpretation are in this respect at least intriguing.

The only conclusion is however yours: the future (and data) will tell us.