Hi AG,
Thanks for passing by and your very kind message!
Another blog that lets us inch forward with you as you explore the possibility (likelihood) that dark matter exists. I believe the piece introduced in this blog is the second mediator with 'orthogonal' properties (had to look that up).
Every once in a while, I must indeed go back to the topic of dark matter. I cannot change my inner nature ;)
Or, rather, I have a lot of fuzzy questions.
I would be curious to hear them. Please :)
Cheers, and have a nice week-end!
I don't have specific questions. I understand the general idea (thank you for that) of your search. I understand why you need mediators. You are reaching for that ever- elusive entity, dark matter and you need to find the path, the link.
It's all very fascinating. Know that when there is news about physics now, I pay attention. I never did before, because it was beyond me. But I'm in the conversation. Just can't contribute anything.😇
Regards, AG
Aaaah ok. I thought you had plenty of little things you wanted to me think about (which I like to do ;) ).
Anyway, week-end time! Time for music now (with the little one). See you later (this was a quick message "in passing").