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RE: The Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula): A Personal Encounter

in StemSociallast year

Wow. Never heard of a grackle, but love the name - and what beautiful feathers! Thanks for sharing. I don't think we have them here - bloody well have bloody bloody blackbirds though.


New to me also. At first I started calling it a Gracken (confusing it with Cracken maybe 😄). But once you've seen this lovely bird, you will know it.

Thanks for stopping by, @riverflows

Sometimes we don't notice certain birds until we do, if that makes sense. For me it's what I call a spangled pigeon, which is actually a common bronzewing. I have seen them all my life but not REALLY seen them, if that makes sense. Then I started to notice them more as there was a family around here. They sound like a cow blowing into a bottle. I love them.


They sound like a cow blowing into a bottle

Now that conjures a memorable experience😆

Beautiful bird!