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RE: O Dark Matter, Where Art Thou?

in StemSocial2 years ago
The masses of the involved objects are way too low. We thus know for sure that any gravity effect is negligibly small.

I think you got what I meant by that last quote, because you explained it very well.

The negligibly small gravitational effect is what I had in mind as a possibility for it to be detectable in the future by some precision enhancements. (I have no idea if that can be possible, was just a thought)

From what I understand on how the momentum detection happens, is by measuring the radius of the curvature and the arc length of the charged particles' trajectories?

So in principle, if we can get super precise, even the tiniest gravitational effect should have an effect on the angle.

Hopefully I'm not way off with my understanding about it :p

 2 years ago  

Unfortunately, we are talking about really negligible effects. To give an order of magnitude, gravity is 10-40 times smaller than the strong force. Therefore, any associated effects are well below any conceivable detector resolution.

There is however one way out. If we live in more than 3 spatial dimensions, then heavier copies of the graviton could be around and leave some observable imprints in data. That is however a different story :)