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RE: Ringo was sad on his birthday

in Hive Petslast year (edited)

Es evidente que Ringo esta afectado por la separación ellos también sienten, el no sabe que hay falta de espacio el solo sabe que extraña su papa y lo esta demostrando con su tristeza, es tan lindo este perrito me da mucha tristeza ver que se sienta así.

It is evident that Ringo is affected by the separation they also feel, he does not know that there is a lack of space he only knows that he misses his daddy and he is showing it with his sadness, he is so cute this doggy it makes me very sad to see him feel this way.


Si, la verdad que estaba triste por ése me llamó la atención su comportamiento fuera de lo habitual. Sabía que algo pasaba y una de las razones para que estén en Estados emociones es la socialización que tienen con otros Canes y las personas. De seguro se sentía solo y todo le cambió de manera repentina. Gracias por leerme. Ringo es muy lindo y créeme que lo aman sus dueños. Ellos estaban también preocupados.

Yes, the truth is that I was sad about that one and I was struck by his unusual behavior. I knew something was going on and one of the reasons for them to be in emotional states is the socialization they have with other dogs and people. For sure he was lonely and everything changed suddenly. Thanks for reading me. Ringo is very cute and believe me his owners love him. They were worried too.