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RE: Working For Food Dog

in Hive Petslast year

Never too late for a Wigle visit. Hello, neighbor.

No, I'm doing the training. We haven't spent more than an hour apart yet. Day after day, we keep practicing. She still doesn't really care when you say stop or go. We're still practicing. = }

Been back a couple months now. First Brexit, then covid, no the war dot dot dot "uncle."


You are? That's great! Practice makes perfect, except for, well, you know.

Consistency will eventually win. What will she be trained for?

Agility and precision mostly. Training over and over and over repeat until it's natural like breathing. Just until they speak English and we can carry a conversation.

Had a couple in the past, thought for sure they would've said something but never did. Keep trying.

Hehe! Of course, you do. Just don't teach her cuss words, you heat?

I love a well-timed doggie! Good luck to you!
