It is a privilege to be able to participate in this wonderful contest led by @ocd, who through the wonderful community of @HivePets, invites us to talk about our pets, and I really love this contest, they give us the opportunity to talk about our precious and beloved pets. Animals without a doubt, are one of the best things we can have in our lives, they captivate our hearts, they are a very beautiful creation of God, and I am very happy that this contest allows us to show our pets and what they mean to each of us, and I speak in plural because I know I am not the only one who feels happy with this contest.

La perrita de mi vecina tuvo varios cachorros, y en realidad durante un tiempo tuve el anhelo de tener un perrito, pero no se me había presentado la oportunidad de obtener uno, así que el día en el que la perrita de mi vecina dio a luz, fui muy emocionada a ver, y realmente me enamoré de Oreo, es una ternura de cachorrita, su ternura me cautivo, mis ojos fueron atraídos directamente por ella, sonreí de una manera tan linda, yo dije: Quiero Tenerla, mi vecina al ver mi emoción me dijo: ¿La quieres?, ¿ustedes puedes imaginar el sentimiento tan lindo que experimente en ese momento? me sentí la niña más feliz del mundo, realmente dije que ¡SIIIII!.
My neighbor's dog had several puppies, and actually for a while I had the longing to have a puppy, but I had not been presented with the opportunity to get one, so the day my neighbor's dog gave birth, I went very excited to see, and I really fell in love with Oreo, she is a tender puppy, her tenderness captivated me, my eyes were attracted directly to her, I smiled in such a cute way, I said: "I want to have her, I want to have her": I want to have her, my neighbor seeing my excitement said: Do you want her? , Can you imagine the beautiful feeling I experienced at that moment? I felt like the happiest girl in the world, I really said YESIII!

Oreo nació el 3 de mayo de este año, realmente es una de las cosas más lindas que tengo, le gusta comer perrarina, y tomar leche, es super rápida, puedo dejarla un instante en la sala de mi casa y en 1 segundo ya esta en la puerta, siempre la tengo vigilada, realmente la amo, creo que muchos de ustedes han experimentado el hermoso sentimiento que nos invade, que nos llena, que nuestro corazón llega a experimentar gracias a ellos. Se llama oreo porque es negrita, y que mejor nombre para describirla que ese.
Oreo was born on May 3rd of this year, she really is one of the cutest things I have, she likes to eat perrarina, and drink milk, she is super fast, I can leave her in the living room of my house and in 1 second she is already at the door, I always have her watched, I really love her, I think many of you have experienced the beautiful feeling that invades us, that fills us, that our heart gets to experience thanks to them. She is called oreo because she is black, and what better name to describe her than that.

Amo mirarla por horas, no me aburriría nunca, son muchas las locuras que he vivido con ella, una vez le estaba tomando una fotografía, y ella estaba muy distraída, miraba a todos lados menos a la cámara, y pues eso es entendible, sinceramente le dije Oreo, y ella enseguida volteó a la cámara, pueden verla en la foto, morí de ternura al verla así toda hermosa, espero que este sea solo el comienzo de los grandes momentos que vendrán junto a ella.
I love to watch her for hours, I would never get bored, there are many crazy things I have lived with her, once I was taking a picture of her, and she was very distracted, she was looking everywhere but the camera, and well that is understandable, I honestly said Oreo, and she immediately turned to the camera, you can see her in the picture, I died of tenderness to see her so beautiful, I hope this is just the beginning of the great moments that will come with her.

Cuidemos a nuestras mascotas, ellos también sienten, son seres vivos, y es un privilegio poder disfrutar de ellos cada día, Te amo mi Pequeña Oreo.
Let's take care of our pets, they also feel, they are living beings, and it is a privilege to enjoy them every day, I love you my Little Oreo.

All photos are my Authored, and edited from canva.

Such a cute puppy
It is a tenderness, yes.
Thank you for connecting
AAAAAAAH no puede seeeer, que pequeño y tierno es🥺🥺😍😍
Si, me encantaaa, es hermosaaa.
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