Lifegoals: I want to this with my dog

in Hive Pets9 days ago

Let me start with telling y'all again as always that I really love my dog. The most loyal animal, who is the first to greet me in the mornings with an enthusiasm that can never be encountered in any kind of way. The animal makes me laugh a lot, is hardly any trouble and is always the most loyal creature around.

That being said: he is not really the smartest of animals. Which is fine, because he is super sweet.

But then recently in Croatia while being on the water, I saw a random dude pump up his paddleboard, let his husky step on there. And off they went....

Now I don't know this dude, nor do I have any incentive to get a husky because they need so much excersize. But doing this with my dog (apart from that the animal is so chill, also that the dude was paddling so stable that the dog was able to keep up there was also envious, let that be clear), that would be the total dream of bonding together and doing some outdoor stuff.

The dog just sat there and not in an edgy kind of way. He was just looking around, not having a heavy breath or anything or acting nervous. He was just totally chill.

Let me put this a bit in perspective. Again my dog is the most fun dog ever, but he is the most scared of literally everything. I got him as a sort of rescue dog and you could just see that at some moment he had been scared of stuff in life. That means especially being in new situations it takes him a lot of time to adjust. Goinf on a boat. Paws wide and gazing in the distance, he is not chill about that those kinds of things at all.

However... he loves water. Which also brings new challenges. I don't think he would want to stand on a SUP at all because he would want to be in the water versus being on the water.

This was about 2.8 seconds before doggo ran into the water without a second of looking back or looking if there were waves or current of any kind.

This was just head first running towards the water and not thinking any further, which is usually fine until it is not anymore.

But come on, I mean having the patience to step up onto a paddle board? Keep on dreaming K. Never gonna happen!


Love me some husky pics. Even if it’s random strangers huskies. Lol

But you have a beautiful angel as well. They are all beautiful creatures…let’s be honest.


True all of them are awesome! These huskie dudes have a ton more if skills though haha

lol look how cute that dog on the raft and your dog with the cute little face. I loved it. Be patient with your furry one and work on his confidence, you must convey tranquility too and give him his space to get into the rhythm. A pleasure to see your photos and read your post, greetings! 💕

HeheI try my best! I guess mine would dive right off haha

It's going to take a few more huskies to pull that odd looking sled

Hahhaa santas SUP! :)