Dental Treatment Day
This was a big day for us. In the morning, my dog had to undergo a dental procedure, including a medical exam. It was a bit complicated, not just a routine teeth cleaning. In the afternoon, while he was recovering from his treatment, my husband and I had our own dental appointments at a clinic near my dog's vet in the same town.
Phew... I was extremely anxious about my dog's treatment. Mine was straightforward. It was just a routine cleaning, as was my husband's. However, my dog's procedure was more complex due to the anesthesia.
My dog loves food, so it was heartbreaking to withhold his breakfast. He especially looks forward to his morning meal after his outdoor time. Seeing him confused and hungry made me feel so sad.
After realizing something was off, he sat on the sofa and looked up at me with sad eyes. But as we arrived at the vet, he suddenly got excited, not realizing what was about to happen. This was difficult to witness because he usually loves going to the vet. At that moment, he had no idea it would be such a big day for him.
During the initial check-up and scaling, he still seemed happy. Even when they took him to another room for preparation, he remained cheerful. But when I had to sign the consent forms for his surgery and anesthesia, I felt a deep sense of anxiety.
A few months ago, I noticed a strange smell in his mouth. When I first took him to the vet, our regular veterinarian wasn’t available. The vet we saw barely examined him and simply recommended brushing his teeth more. But I knew I couldn’t remove tartar on my own. More importantly, I had a gut feeling that the odour wasn’t just from tartar, I suspected an infection.
As weeks passed, the smell worsened. When we visited the vet again, she still didn’t check his blood work. Instead, she suggested booking a tartar-cleaning appointment and advised us to keep him on a diet. But I was also concerned about his weight. He had lost too much.
Leaving the clinic that day, I couldn’t shake my worry. I kept picturing his sleeping face under anesthesia. Memories of my previous dog’s final moments at the same vet came flooding back.
Fortunately, the veterinarian performing his dental surgery was the same one who had treated my previous dog. She is highly skilled and trustworthy, though she speaks very quickly. My husband and I had to concentrate hard to catch everything she said.
On our way home without our dog, feeling blue, we suddenly saw a big rainbow in the sky.
Here he is! I thought. It felt like a message from my late dog, a bright and reassuring sign. My anxiety eased.
A few hours later, our vet called with an update. The tartar cleaning had gone perfectly. His teeth were now completely white and clean. However, she had also discovered a severe infection in his mouth.
I knew it… I had suspected this months ago.
She also confirmed that he had lost too much weight and needed to gain it back.
Hearing the full details of his condition brought me relief. At the same time, I regretted not trusting my instincts about the infection. I should have insisted on a blood test earlier. I also should have been more proactive about his weight loss. From that day on, I decided to stick with our original vet.
After our relief, my husband and I went to our own dental appointments. Our cleanings were quick and simple. Then, we rushed back to pick up our dog.
While discussing his treatment with the vet, we suddenly heard the vet assistant exclaim, "Oh myyy!"
I turned around and saw my dog pulling her, eager to reach us. The moment he got to us, he began whining non-stop. It was partly due to the anesthesia, but I couldn’t help but feel like he was scolding us. “Where have you been?!”
Even in the car, he kept whining. He still seemed a bit out of it, looking shocked and confused. I felt so sorry for him.
That evening, I decided to give him recovery food. I got a can of the same special recovery paste I had used for my previous dogs after surgery. I knew no dog could resist it.
I prepared oatmeal, and boiled vegetables, and topped them with the recovery paste and his antibiotics. As soon as he saw his meal, he became laser-focused.
Although he was still groggy, he started showing signs of his usual strength and determination. I hope his recovery is smooth and steady. Every time he stares at the shaved spot on his leg from the IV, he looks a little sad.
I just hope his fur grows back soon!
Japanese 日本語
Thank you for reading!