My carefree Gosha

in Hive Pets2 months ago (edited)

Hello, friends.)
I'm living in a country house alone with my cats right now. The situation is like this: we need to heat it, even though it's spring, it's cold. And my husband works in the city.

Well, what do you think? While I'm doing some chores, my cats are sweetly sleeping, pies.

Here's Gosha, look at him! My carefree Gosha. Well, he's warm. He goes for walks too.

And here's a collage - I was buying a mug. It says, "I work hard so my cat can have a better life!"
And it's true!
Of course, we work for the kitties. For cat food, for toys, for litter boxes.

Gosha appreciated the mug) Even my coffee wanted to drink from this mug. But coffee is not for kitties! Let him drink kefir and milk, so be it.

Friends, good health and peace to all, and all the yummiest things for the pets!

And also an organizational moment. Can you give me some pointers on how to move forward here? Do I have to put in coins? Or can we do it this way?
Thank you for the answers, it will be very much appreciated.
Hi from me and Gosha)


Do I have to put in coins? Or can we do it this way?

What do you mean by this? Buying hive tokens? If that is your question the answer is you do not have to buy them although if you want you can. Generally they are earned by people upvoting your posts.

Love the kitty. Give him pets for me.