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RE: Stay Off Your Feet For 2-3 Weeks

in Hive Petslast year

Three weeks! That's an awfully long time to keep a puppy down!

I use bones, big ole marrow bones or knuckle bones, to keep my dog occupied for a while. Another trick, is to wrap the bone or kong or whatever has those treats in it in an old blanket, so she has to get it out of the blanket first.

If they'd given you narcotics for her pain, she would have been easier to keep quiet, but they don't do that anymore.

Good luck. Funny post, as usual.


I'm glad you enjoyed it Owasco, thank you. The vet did offer trazodone for her actually. I declined. Some days I think I should go get it. = }

Good idea with the blanket. I've tied things inside a towel and then tie the towel in knot. Can never have too many ideas, she goes through them quickly.